Chapter 3

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Once the police were done questioning him, Dom had a chance to talk with his lawyer and boss alone. Very few people knew that Miko Zareavo was also a lawyer. He was smart and stood behind his men as close as he could. It only made sense that the leader had taken that extra step and became a lawyer to help protect the people in his neighborhood. He wasn't known as a Samaritan because of how he started – rough like Trent McKinton. Fortunately, he had also found that roughness, drugs, and money got you nowhere worth being. Instead, he protected his people and offered that help to those that proved that they were worth the risk. He didn't always do things legally, but he made sure that it didn't have any repercussions that would hurt those that continually were added to his family.

"Now that the questions are done, what else do you have for me, Dom?" Miko eyed him up carefully. He was intimidating in his perfectly pressed suit. His blonde hair was gelled up in a professional, yet dignified manner. He was also a looker and prided himself on making sure he looked the part of whatever he was undertaking at the time.

Dom cleared his throat. "We got something going down in our area. Ashley Malone had cocaine on her. Not sure how much, but she definitely had more than enough if she was willing to lose a bag of it to get me arrested."

"Or she's going to pay a hefty fine when Trent finds out that not all of his goods are with her." Miko commented. He rubbed his forehead. Stress was clearly causing the creases that he was trying to rub out.

"I don't much appreciate her doing this to me, but I really hope he doesn't hurt her." Dom looked toward the door of the room. He was so close yet so far from freedom.

Miko sighed. "Not much we can do about that right now. She should have thought about the consequences before pushing his buttons. We need to focus now on who supplied those drugs. It can't be happening in our neighborhood. I won't allow it."

"If I was out of here, I could find it for you." Dom couldn't stop the frustration from lining his words. "I feel helpless being locked up in here."

"I know. Stay encouraged my friend. I'll make sure it's a short-lived stay. You'll be taken care of." Miko encouraged him. It was definitely another thing that the leader had going for him. He was quick to encourage his people and quick to protect them. Dom had seen the acts of kindness many times before. It never got old and it was always deeply meant.

Dom nodded his agreement. He trusted his leader and appreciated all that he'd done for him this far. He had went through some tough things, but thankfully Miko had taken him under his wing and made sure that he got back on his feet and started giving back to the community. The most important thing was that he hadn't given up on him. Dom owed him everything just for that.

"We'll keep you updated on what we find out. Keep your ears open in here and let me know if you hear anything. The sooner we get that operation closed down the better for our people." Miko gathered his papers together into a briefcase and began to rise.

"I'll do what I can. We'll get them shut down." Dom agreed. He couldn't rise to say bye to his leader. Being cuffed to a table prevented that. He was surprised when Miko walked around the table and put his hand on Dom's shoulder. He squeezed it with a reassuring look on his face.

"Stay strong Dom." His words flowed out, clearly meaning every one of them.

"Thanks Miko. Get those guys." Dom locked eyes on him. He made it clear that he'd be all right and only wanted their people to stay safe. It's what he'd been living for this far. It'd be unfortunate if being in jail made him too bitter to care about the greater good. Not a chance that would happen though.

Miko nodded his agreement and began walking over to the door. He knocked on it twice before a guard came in and escorted him out. They'd be back shortly to get Dom and bring him to a cell. It wasn't the first time he'd been in here, but he never did really like the tightness and chilliness of the jail. It was far from being home.

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