Chapter 34

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"That don't sound good." Liv breathed out as multiple gunshots echoed out from Trent's neighborhood. They were loud enough to be heard from a ways away.

Dom swallowed hard. What if Ashley had been involved in it? He wasn't sure, but regardless of wanting to stay away to protect her, every muscle in his body was tense with the desire to make sure she was alright. He hadn't realized that he hadn't said anything until Liv grabbed his arm.

"Maybe we should check it out?" The eagerness was obvious in her expression. Miko had paired them together to check their borders in an attempt to get them to get along. Liv was still mad at him, but the worry was stronger right now.

Dom nodded as they crossed into their rival's terrain. "You sure you want to come? If any of Trent's guys catch us, it'll be bad." He appreciated her concern, but he couldn't stop something bad from happening to her. He didn't want that hanging over his head. He didn't want to disappoint Miko anymore. He'd done that enough lately.

"If I was concerned about the damn outcome, I wouldn't be volunteering. Now shut up and let's get over there." She snapped at him. Her gun was out already and she rushed passed him. Being as sneaky as possible.

Dom shook his head, but was praying every second along the way that Ash was okay. If there was really a God, then there's no way he would take the chance of not asking for any help that they could need. The gun shots had been close. That much he knew. But it wasn't normal for seven or more shots to echo that close to the border. Not unless something was happening between the gang.

The adrenaline was racing through his body as he checked his gun to make sure it was ready to go. He kept up pace with Liv and passed her. If he was going to keep her safe then she needed to be behind him. He could feel her irritation in the glare at his back. He didn't care though. He'd deal with her wrath again later.

He had a vague idea of where the gang perched themselves in the evening hours before getting some rest. He led the way to the alley only a few blocks from the border of their terrain. It didn't take much time to get to it. The rain had lightened and it was dark out, but the street lights lit their way well enough to make it to the right section of the neighborhood.

"You sure we're going the right way?" Liv whispered to him. The anger had melted off her face, replaced by anticipation.

Dom glanced back at her and slid his finger to his mouth to hush her up. They were close. He didn't want their presence to be given away. He slid his back against a wall with her next to him. Slowly, he stole a peak from the alley. The sight made butterflies flutter in his stomach and his throat begin to close up. "What the hell..." He didn't look back at Liv as he walked out to face the bloody mess.

Stan looked up at them with his gun drawn. He sighed and set it down. "Get over here. I need your help." He told them quickly. His hands were applying pressure to two different victims.

Dom's breath caught in his throat as he saw Ashley was one of them. He broke into a run as he stuffed his gun in the small of his back. She had to be okay. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her. He wouldn't forgive himself for not spending time with her when he had the chance.

Liv jumped in front of him and knelt down by Ash's head. "Hey sweet thing." She offered a smile before brushing the hair away from her face. "You know how to make a mess, don't you?"

Ashley smiled up at the woman. "I guess it's habit. What are you doing here?" Her eyebrows twisted together in confusion and pain.

Dom grabbed her hand as he knelt beside her small, bloodied body. "We heard the shots." He could feel the color washing off of his face as he took in all the blood. Too much of it.

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