Chapter 16

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Trent had stayed up that whole night. He had been waiting for Ashley to get back. The thought that she would abuse his power like she had infuriated him. He was biding his time until he could teach her a lesson. Waiting to see her pretty face and to see it writhe in pain. She needed to be put back in her place. If it had been any of the others he would have shot them on the spot.

She wouldn't be in commission for awhile after he was through with her. It angered him that her recklessness would cause him to put off his expansion for awhile longer, but it would be worth it. Killing her would be reckless and unnecessary. She just needed to be taught a lesson at this point.

He stayed in the shadows. His shoes wet with the morning dew. He puffed out a smoky breath from his cigarette. The smoke twisted through the air in odd shapes. He'd asked Eddie to follow her, to find out where she was going. The news wasn't what he had wanted to hear, but he was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. A brief few minutes to explain. His brows knitted together as he thought about her going to see a cop.

He breathed out another puff of smoke as he leaned against a building. It was one that had been built with plenty of insulation and a soundproofness that worked perfect for knocking some sense into people, or for getting information that was needed. He'd get the truth out of her. Beat it out if he had to. The only mercy that she'd receive from him was her life spared. Again.

It was early still as the small frame of the young woman walked by him. He bore holes through her with his gaze. He was sure that she hadn't seen him. He puffed on his cigarette a little bit more as he watched her stop.

"Waiting for me, Trent?" The coolness in Ashley's voice was unmistakable. She turned around to face him. The bruise that he had given her the day prior was still very obviously visible. She found it quite apparent why he was waiting for her by this building. It had been built for hurting people. The outside looked run down, not new. It wasn't something that stood out to anyone specifically. It was shaped like an old storage container, much like the ones typically hauled on ships. Ashley really wouldn't have been surprised if that really was what it was. She had only been in it once or twice, but she remembered the pungent smell of fear, blood, and bile. Never anything that smelled good. It reeked of fear.

Trent looked straight forward at the nearby neighborhoods. "As a matter of fact, I am." His icy blue eyes cut into her soul as he looked her up and down. "Why'd you do it, Ash?"

Ashley scanned his oddly relaxed body. "Do what? Ask for a little respect? A little trust?" She couldn't bite back her bitterness. Her eyes revealed her anger.

"Respect is earned. You haven't earned it." He said simply. Anger edged his voice.

"I've earned it." Her voice was low and aggressive. "I'm tired of being your bitch, Trent! It's about time you earned my respect, not vice versa."

Trent scoffed as he lowered his gaze. "It's a funny thing, Ash." He paused and looked up at her. Another puff of smoke came out of his cigarette. "I made you. I saved you and brought you into a family. I kept you safe." His words were warming, but his tone chill to the sound. He didn't mask his obvious disappointment in her. He didn't mask his obvious anger, but he did well in keeping it in check.

"What'd you save me from? What kind of a family is this that strikes fear into a being to get respect, or lies to them to get them to do things that they wouldn't normally do? If that's what you have to do, Trent, then fine. But how strong are the loyalties to you if that's what you have to do to gain that respect?" Ashley bit back. She was out of term with him and she knew it. What did she really have to lose though? He was going to do whatever he was going to do to her regardless of what she said at this point.

Trent looked thoughtfully at her, but his eyes were icy in irritation. They showed how dangerous he was. "Speaking of loyalties." He paused for a dramatic effect. Giving her a chance to think and confess before he continued. "I had Eddie follow you last night."

Ashley swallowed hard. Where was this going? She thought of her options quickly. She could snap at him for invading her privacy, but that would be useless considering he could care less about her privacy. "So?" She decided a little attitude could make him see her not caring. Not that that was true by any means.

"What were you doing with a cop?" He inched closer to her. He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out. He could see her observing his movements closely, weighing out her words. "The truth, Ash." He reminded her.

"The truth? Since when have you cared anything about the truth?" She snarled at him. "I'll tell you what I was doing with the cop. Tom was the man that kept me safe and got me into foster services after my parents died. He reached out to me and wanted to know how I was doing." Her nostrils were flared in irritation.

Trent eyed her up carefully. He knew that she was telling him the truth, her eyes bore her honesty on the matter. "He didn't do very well with keeping you safe did he?" He looked her over while giving her half a smile. He knew that she understood what he was talking about. He wanted to see a reaction from her. He wanted to see her lash out at him, maybe draw her gun. He didn't care. The thought of seeing her open and stripped bare of her fear was an exhilarating thought. What was she really capable of?

Ashley could feel him testing her. She could feel the stench of the trap in the air. "He didn't know that my foster dad beat me." Her voice was low and angry. "If he would have known, he would have gotten me out of there. If I would have been open with him and not scared, I wouldn't be in your hell hole." She kept her cool, knowing that it would frustrate him to no ends.

"Fine. Believe that, Ash. I'm not going to stop you." He turned around and opened up the door to the small building in front of him. He turned on his heel to face her. "But I am going to teach you some respect. You think that your foster father beat you?" He let out a low, casual laugh. "You haven't felt nothing yet."

Before Ashley had a chance to do anything, she could feel someone grab the gun out of the small of her back and grab her wrist hard. "Hey..." Ashley started to yelp. She looked into Eddie's dark eyes. They were as evil as possible. The look sent a shiver down Ashley's back. This wasn't going to be pleasant.

Eddie released her wrist and pulled her gun up to her skull. "Get in the building, Ash." He watched her obey him. The look of power filled his sturdy build.

"Don't get too cocky, Eddie." Trent laughed as he followed the two into the building. He smiled as he closed the door behind them. He was going to enjoy making her scream. The thought was even more exhilarating then he had first anticipated. He'd make her respect him or fear him, no matter how many beatings it took. It was time for her to become his perfect little soldier.


Yikes! Anyone else nervous for Ashley? I know I am!

It doesn't seem Trent plans on going easy on her. Will she be rescued in time? Or will she face her leader's wrath?

Oh boy, I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

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