Chapter 4

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The urge to pull out her gun became strong as a hand wrapped itself around Ashley's eyes.

"Guess who?" A young male voice whispered behind her.

Ashley's guard dropped and her body relaxed. She knew that voice. She'd never forget it. Her one piece of sanity that kept her going over the years. "Cam!" She exclaimed and swung around to give him a hug.

Cameo Santito had been one of her foster brothers and had gotten into Trent's gang long before her. He had made it possible for her to get in, in spite of not being much older than her. He had Trent's good side and his respect, which, she had to admit, was a rarity.

"You're back! When did you get here?" She watched him bright eyed.

"Not that long ago. Trent had me go to one of the usual places. It wasn't bad. His shipment's here, that's what matters." He shrugged his broad shoulders simply. He had filled out a lot in the last year and grown into a rather good-looking man.

"Any more runs coming up that you need help with?" Ashley prayed her voice didn't sound too desperate. She knew he made good money on drug runs that were farther away and she needed the money. Getting out of Trent's grasped for a little while would be a nice bonus as well.

"Maybe." He watched her carefully. His dark brown eyes searched hers with an intensity that made her pull her gaze away. "I overheard you get on the new guy's case. Did he do something to you, Ash? You're not usually like that."

"No, I just didn't want to talk to him." She couldn't help but shift from one foot to the other. She was good at keeping her cool with anyone, but when it came to Santito it was impossible.

He reached down and pulled her chin up. His eyes narrowed. "Does this have something to do with Trent? He didn't hurt you did he?" He ran his finger over her lower lip, eyeing up the little bit of blood that was still dripping down to her chin.

Ashley couldn't help but flinch. She could see the worry in his expression as she pulled away. "It was my fault. I did something stupid."

"That's no excuse. What did he do?" Cam grabbed her arm so she couldn't go anywhere.

"He just smacked me. It was nothing. I kind of gave away a bag of his coke." Ash shrugged and peeled his fingers off of her arm.

"He hit you? What do you mean you gave away a bag of his coke? That's expensive Ash!" His eyes flashed both worry and anger.

"I know, but I thought I was doing what he wanted me to. Dom was giving me a hard time when I crossed over the border and I planted a bag of the drugs on him when a patrol came by. I figured Trent would want one of Miko's guys off of the street." Ash admitted what had happened, but she had a hard time believing her reason for the act of rebellion.

"Come on Ash. We both know that you had a thing for Dom in school. Do you really expect me to believe that you wanted to put him in jail for Trent?" Cam blocked her path from walking away from him.

She stood up to her full height and met his gaze. The fire that kept her alive and ready to face the world everyday coursed through her veins. "We never had a thing in school, and it's not like I liked putting him in jail. I thought it was what was wanted of me. Do not mistake that Santito." She brushed past him.

"Ash, I didn't say you guys had a thing. I said that you had a thing for him. Why the hell would you waste a bag of coke on him thinking that Trent would be alright with it?"

"I thought I was doing something good, Cam! Not something worthy of being slapped for!" She snapped at him and began stalking away. She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging them out of the snarls that they caught in.

"Ash..." He raced after her. " Ash, stop." His fingers slipped from her arm after a second attempt at grabbing her. "Okay, Ash, you win. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have snapped at you."

Ashley stopped for a moment. She knew that he never apologized for something unless he meant it. She turned around in time for him to pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so irritated with you. I just want you to be safe. I don't want to see anything happen to you, Ash. I'd never forgive myself for getting you into all of this if something happened." He gently kissed the top of her head.

"Nothing's going to happen to me, Cam." She began to pull herself away from him. They'd always been close and watching out for each other. It was no wonder why they ended up in the same situation and the same line of work.

"You can't guarantee that and pushing Trent's buttons will not help protect you. Do what he says. Don't make judgment calls unless you have to, okay?" He said patiently. His natural tan radiated under the sunlight and put an emphasis on his dark eyebrows that knitted together in worry.

"Okay. I will. I promise." She nodded her agreement. She knew all he did was care about her. She'd never get tired of that, but it did make her worry about what he'd do if anything did happen to her.

"Here, pay your debt." Cam pulled out a bundle of money and shoved it into her hand.

"No, I can't take it. You earned this. I need to earn the money to pay off my debt by myself." Ash tried pushing it back to him. She had always been independent and she wasn't going to let that change anytime soon.

"Pay me back, Ash. I don't want you owing Trent any money. I'm not risking that. You can come with me on my next drug run, but you need to give him this." He pushed it back to her. His stubbornness was stronger than hers and he'd have his way even if it meant going behind her back.

Ash stared at the cash and snatched it from him. "Fine! But I will pay you back for this."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He smiled at her, but his smile faded and his voice grew low and cautious. "If Trent ever touches you again, you tell me about it okay?"

Ash watched him for a moment before answering. She smiled at him. "Now who's poking the bear?"

"I'm serious, Ash. If he lays a finger on you, I want to know about it." Cam meant every word he said. There was not a sliver of doubt in his voice.

"Know about what Santito?" Trent came slithering up to them. His demeanor was calmer than usual and not as uptight as earlier.

"He wants to know if I get assigned to go with him on the next run." Ash interjected calmly. If Trent had heard what they were talking about, he sure didn't show it.

"I don't know about that, Ash. Do you think you can handle not losing any of my product?" He cocked an eyebrow up at her. The arrogance was plain as day in his voice.

Ashley let her eyes light up as she inched her way up to him with a half smile curving her lips. "I've gotta earn my money and keep some way, don't I?" She stuffed the money she owed him in his shirt pocket and brushed passed the two and away from the impending debate of whether or not she'd be allowed to go with. Cam would let her know later if she had been nominated. She knew that he'd plead for her cause.

The smile faded as soon as she was a safe distance away. A sickening feeling flooded her as she thought about what she did to Dom. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the thought of it after wasn't lighting her up. She couldn't stop the sudden gagging feeling as she ducked behind a bush. She shook her head and wiped her lip. With a sigh, she walked away from the bush and in search of some water to take away the taste of bile in her mouth.

In spite of him always catching her on the other side of the border, she knew that she'd be able to get out of any mess she was in. Now that he was locked up, there would be months of someone else watching the border. Someone she didn't know and someone who wouldn't be as lenient with her. Things would get more dangerous. Her choice was becoming more and more stupid as time settled and the aftermath became apparent.

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