The School Night

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A giant clanging sound woke me up the next morning, the sound of metal tins smashing together making an almighty harmony of noise. My eyes shot open as my heart started to race; my heavy eyelids drooped when I realised I was in Ronit's bedroom, alone. I stretched my arms and legs out until they cracked and I yawned as I became more familiar with other sensations occurring in my body.

I noticed a stinging in between my legs; a satisfying soreness when I moved my legs apart, which were still completely bare. I lifted the covers and looked down at my body. My chest, which felt lighter, as though a heavy weight had been lifted from it, was exposed. I was surprised at how little that bothered me. The fact that I was laying in Ronit's bed nude, it should have affected me. I should have felt some need to cover myself, to hastily dress while Ronit was out of the room, but I didn't. It all felt so... normal.

I remembered the night before, I let the memories wash over me. Ronit's red lips on mine, her strong, slender fingers exploring my body in ways I never had before and then I recalled the way I'd touched her. I suddenly felt my face grow hot and my throat constricted. A pressure built up in my lower abdomen with each memory; the way she'd opened her legs, lifted her hips and held me in her arms as I kissed her. I was overcome with the memories of what we'd done; the new, exciting thing, and my entire body twitched.

Her smooth, pale thighs either side of my hand, my slick fingers lingering over that warm wetness between her legs. The feeling of being inside her and making those noises come from her. I noticed if I moved my fingers in different ways she made different sounds; when I was slow, they were deeper and filled with longing but when I was fast, they were more frantic and high pitched.

I looked down at my hand and flexed my knuckles. Instinctively, I brought them to my face. I could smell her still, that sweet, heady scent she'd left on my fingers. It was clinging to my skin; such a deep aroma, it pushed the air out of my lungs and made the soles of my feet burn.

I was grateful when the old door creaked open; I sat up slightly and tried to stop thinking about the rising heat in my thighs. Ronit appeared, her hair was wild and dishevelled as she poked her head in.

'Did I wake you up just now? With the pans?' She asked.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes; again, I smelled that sticky aroma that spurred a heat in my groin. 'No.' I lied.

'Oh, good. It was really loud, you must have been out of it.' She smiled at me, a simple smile that made her look light and happy; it gave me a similar feeling. 'I made you breakfast.' She stated.

'You didn't have to-'

'I wanted to.' She pushed the door to with her shoulder, and I realised that she'd been holding a tray the entire time. The smell of brewing tea and buttered, toasted bread filled the room as she marched to the bed, where she rested the tray. She was wearing a soft towel robe tied up at the waist, which made her look skinny; I knew that she must have been as naked as I was underneath it.

'Thank you.' I mumbled, feeling my cheeks pinch into a smile. 'What time is it?'

'Early-ish. We don't have to leave for school for ages.'

I yawned again and nodded. I was tired, but in a satisfied way. A way that made my entire body feel calm.

'I remember when I was younger,' Ronit said as she poured steaming tea into a cup. 'My mother always talking about my father bringing her tea and toast in bed.' She paused while she stirred a sugar cube into my cup. 'It was only ever on her birthday, but she'd talk about it the whole year.'

I didn't say anything, but I took a slice of toast and nibbled the crunchy corner of it. The melted butter and warm jam mingled on my tongue, making me salivate. Ronit got back under the covers, still in her robe, she took a bite of toast too.

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