The Burning of Edison, Ohio

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A very mysterious thing has occurred. Another city-burning has just taken place no more than three days ago. The small town of Edison, Ohio was burnt completely to the ground. All 451 residences are not to be found. However, a pale green hair ribbon was found among the ruins. It was stained with blood that is said to belong to a miss Elizabeth Sage Bower. She was barely seventeen years of age and a junior in high school. Detectives believe she is deceased as well.

I have been tracking such incidents for nearly twenty-three years, but have never had one happen within my lifetime. It is quite a great accomplishment for me to be alive for one of the city-burnings, though I am dearly sorry for the deaths in Edison, Ohio. I have finally come to the conclusion that this is not a man-made occurrence.

It appears to be the same thing causing it and these fires can be tracked all the way back to 1398. Nobody could possibly live that long and I am believing that it may be a paranormal creature. I’m hypothesizing that it may be Shadow People.

Shadow People are said to be creatures passing between our dimensions. They typically appear as the silhouette of a man in a fedora and trench coat. They do not typically cause harm but when angered they have been known to lash out and take their revenges in large doses.

Though I am not certain of this, it seems to make a bit of sense. I’m a strong believer in paranormal creatures and Shadow People can live for thousands of years. I would guess that it is the same Shadow Person causing the destruction, but for what reason he is still taking his revenge, I do not know.

-William A. Johnson: Historian 

October of 2012

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