Chapter 4~ The Accident

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Kitty's pov~

Its been awhile now, and i have just woken up from my peaceful slumber. I yawned quitely, which caught Diego's attention "I see your awake now sleeping beauty" Diego purred teasingly, making me blush. Thank God for the fur. "S-shut up" i bashfully said, as i covered my face in his fur. He gave a nice laugh out. "Anyways, where are we?" i asked him, as i looked around. "We are near a steep hill" Diego answered as he looked at me for a second, and then looked back on the road. I looked around and Ellie, Crash and Eddie weren't there, making me panic "W-where's Ellie, Crash and Eddie?!" i asked Diego panicking

Diego was about to answer, but he stopped when we saw Eddie and Crash roll down the steep hill we just walked past. All of them stopped to stare, when suddenly we heard Ellie "No brakes, gotta roll! Meet you on the other side!" Ellie's distance voice shouted as we saw her figure becoming smaller and smaller. Suddenly Manny spoke up, "Sooo you still think she's the girl for me?" he asked Sid with a nervous smile on his face.

"Oh yeah. She's ton of fun and you're no fun at all" Sid answered while waving his claw smiling, making Manny frown. "She completes you" Sid stated as he completed a heart with his claws. I giggled quitely, so true. 

They carried on walking, while passing by Eddie's and Crash's log that they were currently on.  I saw them try to high-five eachother, but they missed. Crash then noticed Manny "Hey Manny! Can you pull back this tree and shoot me to the pond?!" he asked excitedly, i presume he wants to be there first and beat Ellie. 

"No" Manny bluntly stated

"Aw! Come on!" Crash moaned in frustration

"And how do you expect to impress Ellie with that attitude?" Sid asked, making Manny stop dead in his tracks

"I dont want to impress her" Manny argued, making Sid give in a smug smirk, "Then why are you trying so hard to convince that shes a Mammoth?" Sid asked smugly

"Because thats whats she is! I dont care if she thinks she's a Possum, you cant be two things!" Manny snaps at Sid in frustration, but Sid instantly had a comeback "Au Contraire  mah frr~riend. Tell that to the chicken-hawk, the bullfrog, and the turtle dove" he named off the creatures, counting on his claws as he smirked in triumphant. 

I shaked my head at him, and then Diego spoke up, "He's never gonna let up on you. It'll be easier for all of us, if you'll just go with it" Diego stated while looking at Manny

I doubt that it'll impress Ellie, and i have a bad feeling that something's going to happen. Manny gave in a defeated sigh, as he walked towards where Crash and Eddie are. "So, what do you want me to do?" Manny asked them

Crash grinned, "Pull back the tree and shoot me into the tree!" Crash answered eagerly, pointing towards the distance.

"I dont know..." Manny paused in hesitation

"Well if your too lame to do it, we can get Ellie to do it" Crash shrugged, as he leaned back against the tree trunk and crossed his arms together. He aswell looked at his nails occasionally. 

"No no no" Manny answered quickly, which made Crash smirk smugly. "I can do it" Manny stated as he grabbed the branch of the tree and pulled it back as far as it can go.

"This will not end well" i mumbled into Diego's fur, making him look at me confusingly

"Why not?" he asked

"I... have a bad feeling about this" i answered while keeping an eye on Manny and the Possums. 

"Have you do this before?" Manny asked crash with his eyebrow raised. His voice layed concern in it. 

"Ha, only a million times!" Crash answered, as he got into his position. I gulped, i hope nothing happens to him- "FIRE!" Crash suddenly interrupted my thoughts, as he got shot into the air. I gasped as i looked where he was heading off to. I heard a huge crash. My eyes widened in shock. "CRASH!" me and Eddie screamed out, as i got off Diego's back, and ran off with Eddie towards where Crash is. 

I gasped on what i saw. "Crash.." i whispered as i paused and stopped dead in my tracks. I heard the others ran here aswell. "Crash? Crash?! Are you okay??" Eddie asked despretally as he shook Crash, and checked for his heartbeat. I suddenly heard giant footsteps heading this way, it was Ellie.

"What happened?!" Ellie asked confused and scared

"Manny shot him out of the tree!" Eddie exclaims, while holding Crash in his arms.

"How could you?!" Ellie told him off and with annoyance dripping in her voice

Manny replied back in panic, "He said he could do it!"

"And you listened to him?" Eddie answered back while looking really annoyed now

"Crash! Whatever you do, don't go into the light!" Eddie's desperate voice interrupted them, as he shook the 'dead' possum. I know that he's probably not dead. I hope not anyways. And i know that i should of stopped Manny from doing that to Crash, since the twin brothers are stupid. Sigh...

"Can i help in anyway here?" Manny asked Ellie, obviously regretting his actions on what he has caused

"I think you've done enough" Ellie stated angrily while glaring harshly at the poor male Mammoth, i kinda felt bad.

"I was right that this wouldn't end well" i mumbled to myself

"Are you happy now?" Manny suddenly says angrily towards Diego and Sid, who looked disappointed and sad. 

"Crash! Crash! Don't leave me! Who's going to watch my back now?!" Eddie cried, as he looked at the blue sky. 

"Who's gonna be my wingman of mayhem?" Eddie says, as his ears dropped in sadness. He suddenly dropped Crash's body on the ground and shouted, "Who's gonna roll in that dung patch with me?!" he cried out towards the sky

"Dung patch?!" Crash suddenly answered as he jumped up 

"My legs! I can stand!" Crash exclaims, and Eddie repeats after him happily

"He can stand!" Crash then started to run on the spot before running in circles

"I can run!" he runs around, Eddie repeating the words after him happily

"He can run! Its a miracle!" as he shouts this, the two possums and Ellie scream in delight

I smiled at the scene, im so happy that Crash is okay

"Hallelujah!" Ellie screams in delight, before the two Possums leap off somewhere

As soon as their gone, we all hear Ellie's happy laughing. She saw that the boys were looking at her in unamusement. "What can i say? They're boys! They make my life a little adventure" Ellie giggles and laughs at her little comment that she just said, trying to get out of this awkward situation. But she reliezed it didn't. "You guys are so dead" Ellie mumbled out, referring to her 'brothers' who got her in this situation. 

I giggled silently, and joined Ellie, Crash and Eddie in the walk. Enjoying seeing them playing around and joking with eachother.

I just hope we can escape the flood....

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