Chapter 12 ~ We've Survived!!

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Kitty's pov~

Ever since Eddie and Crash left, it's been quite between me and Ellie. The silence between me and Ellie was tense. Both of us were scared on what might happen next. Every now-and-then, we heard the cracking and breaking of the ice wall, and those sounds put us both off guard-and scared.

"Don't worry Ellie, im sure that all off them are safe. I bet their on the boat right now." I tried to reassure the anxious Ellie at the best of my power. "I hope so" her voice was very quite, and longing.

But before i could reply back we heard a huge CRASH!

I wince at the loud sound. Wait.. Did the- Oh God!!

Me and Ellie were completely silent by now. We adjust our ears so that we can listen to the sounds around the cave that were were currently stuck in. The sound of water crashing gets closer and closer. Tree's falling, rocks moving. Many sounds were heard, but everything that makes sound seems to be getting closer and closer.. Which is caused by water.

We can hear the water crashing nearer and nearer, and we tried to listen out for the crashing. How close is it? How quickly was it coming? How much have we got left..?

I sighed, as my ears lowered. My eyes teared up abit. Im never going to see Sid, Manny, the possums... And Diego. I won't ever see-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when i felt something wet on my paws. I looked down and saw.. Water?!

"What the hell?!" I shouted alarmed

"Oh no, the flood's here" Ellie whispered to me, her eyes holding terror in them.

"Ellie! Kitty!" 

"Manny?!" Me and Ellie both called out at the same time. I can't believe it.. We might get saved!

I jumped on Ellie's back, and clawed at the boulder and rocks. The water by now was mid-reach, making Ellie have to float. My paws suddenly hit one of the rocks, and air floated in. "Ellie put your trunk in there" I demanded, as she did as i said.

After few minutes water took over Ellie, and i was gasping for air. And before i blacked i heard my name being called out..


My eyes popped wide open, as i gasped in the fresh air. I looked over and saw Ellie reunited with her brothers. I then saw Diego walk over to me. "Your okay" He told me with a big smile. He nuzzled me on the head, me returning the warm gesture. I then stood up with the help of Diego. "We're going to live!" Sid happily shouted, before water began to consume the rock that we were currently on. "We're going to die!" Sid's voice dropped, scaring me a little. Diego squeezed me towards himself and Manny, protecting me from the water. After seconds we already had to float. Diego put me on his back without a second thought. 

I suddenly heard cracking noise from my left. Looking, i saw the icy cliff splitting in half-making all the water float somewhere else. Oh my goodness. We've survived. We all cheered all together, and then we all began walking to meet up with the others.

Me, Sid, and Diego walk in a three, while Manny and Ellie walk together. I walked in-between the two, as Sid began to speak. "I dunno, i'm thinking of starting a swim school!" He proudly declares, and i smile at the thought.

"Sid's Squids!" His familiar lisp is suddenly interrupted by him screaming and climbing over me and Diego. He's behind Diego, i looked down to see hundreds of mini-sloths.

"All hail, Fire King!" The one at the front declares in a feminine voice, before dropping to her knees and the rest of them followed the gesture.

I look towards Sid in pure confusion, while Diego just looks really uncomfortable. Sid walks from behind Diego, and waves at the sloths while saying 'hey', with a bit of confusion himself.

"Hey!" The sloths copied what he says and does, while Sid looks at us a bit shocked, before turning back to the sloths with a slight smile on his face.

"Fire King avert join us, oh great and noble flaming one!" She curtsies after saying this and Sid makes a 'hmm' sound in return. Not in a questioning way, but in a like way. A giant smirk appears on his face, and Diego suddenly interrupts the moment.

"Whoa! Not so fast there! Okay? You make a quality offer, but Fire King has a prior commitment. His hers needs him, he is the gooey, sticky... Stuff that... Holds us together. He made this herd." His voice makes a speech about Sid and he speaks to the sloth very well, and tries to not crumble while speaking to them about Sid. "And we'd be nothing.. Without Sid"

"You mean it?!" His voice was higher than usual, before he developed the tiger in a hug.

"Sid! That doesn't mean.. Want to touch" Diego pushes him away in embarrassment, but i saw that the other sloth's were doing the 'hugging' aswell.

All four of us watch the moment, before Diego speaks, "Don't ask"

There was a sudden rumbling sound.. But not from underground..

We all look to the distance, and see figures coming closer and closer. 

A large mammal.

An elephant

*Gasp* A... Mammoth...

Everyone stares at the mammoth's in clear shock, and make way for the large mammoths. Alot of them were saying either 'ooh' or 'aah'. I just watched in amazement, as Ellie and Manny interacted with the mammoth's.

I smile at the retreating figures, but wait.. Why is Ellie leaving??

Manny looks down in sorrow. I wanted to go aswell, but i have to stay-for my mate.

"Go after her, Manny. She needs you" I told him with a small smile

"It's okay. We'll always be here for you.." Sid places his claws on Manny's tusks, while looking him in the eyes.

Manny smiles a little, "I'll keep in touch"

"Of course. So will we. We'll visit sometime" I reassured the mammoth with a smile

"Yeah, yeah. Your a good friend. Now scat." Diego said, as he gestured to the distance.

Manny gives in a big smile, and walks fastly towards Ellie. 

"Our Manny's growing up" Sid says as we watch the two interact and then hug. We then turned and began walking. "So, it's just us guys now. One sloth and two sabertooth tigers. We're gonna look like a weird family and it's gonna look like you've adopted me" I gave in a laugh. Diego chuckled a little, before giving me a small lick on the head-which i smiled at.

"We're not gonna play like that. Because i know that you'll want us to, and me nor' Kitty will carry you on our backs" Diego stated

"Oh, come one, buddy. For old times sakes!" Sid begs

"I'll carry him!" A trunk wraps around Sid's neck, before he gets pulled on.. Manny's back?! I though that they've left with others...

"But, your herd is leaving" Diego says concerned

"We are now!" Manny replies cheerfully. Crash then sits on my back, while Eddie on Diego's. We then began moving forward. 

"Manny! Who do you like better? Me or Diego?" 

"Diego. That's not even close.." 

"I told you" Diego says with a smirk

"Manny! You can't choose between your kids!" Ellie scolded

"He's not my kid. Not even my dog. If i had a dog, and my dog had a kid, and the dog's kid had a pet, that would be Sid" I laughed at that comment

"Manny! Can i have a dog?"


"Can i have a dog, Ellie?"

"Of course you can, sweetie"

"Ellie, we have to be consistent with them." Manny told her.

I laughed, and shook my head. I looked at Diego and smiled. 

This is where our journey begins, im happy that we've survived. 

I wonder though... On what will happen next?

The End~~

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