Chapter 6 ~ The Argument Between The Mammoths

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Kitty's pov~

We eventually made it up the hill, and Sid decided to start to make the fire for us, while we wait for Manny and Ellie to come back. I saw him testing rocks out, checking if they would be suitable to create a fire with. I layed myself down, while waiting for Sid to start the fire. He looked around cautiously a few times, after seeing the bush behind him rustle a few times. He eventually finds a rock that suitable enough to create a fire and his face lightens up in happiness. He turns around again, looking at the bush thats behind him that once again moved. When Sid turned around, Diego was walking calmly towards me and Sid locked eyes with him. Diego then unexpectedly layed down next to me. His warmth was welcoming, and i resisted the feeling to snuggle into him for more. 

"Boy! Manny sure did make a big leap with Ellie today" Sid says with a giant smirk plastered onto his face.

"Sure did" Diego stated with a soft tone, as he got comfortable laying down next to me. I dont know why but i just really want to snuggle into Diego for more warmth. But that would look weird, so i resisted the crazy idea. I sighed softly, as i layed my head inbetween my front paws. 

"Yeah! He stood on the slope of uncertainty and dove right in. Splash! Kinda brave, huh?" Sid states while he dives towards us. I suddenly realised that he's talking about Diego's phobia, which is that he's scared of water.

"I wouldn't know" Diego stated, as he sat himself up. I have to say, some of the warmth went away as he sat himself up. It kind of gave me a chilly vibe that im now exposed to the cold air. "Sabers dont feel fear" Diego states with a quite tone of voice, obviously trying to not admit that he's actually scared of water. I could see his ears drop slightly though.

"Aw, come on! All animals feel fear. Its what separates us from lets say.." Sid paused as he looked around and found one of the rocks that he created fire with, laying in his paw that he's holding it with.

"Rocks! Rocks have no fear" The sloth stated, as he throwed the rock he was holding a second ago, and into the steam thats next to us, and a splash was heard.

"And they sink" Sid states innocently. Wow, is he making fun of Diego for not be able to swim? How rude..

"What are you getting at Sid?" Diego questioned the green sloth, clearly confused. But the tone of Diego's voice aswell hold boredom and uninterestedness. 

"Sid, please just get to the point" i told him gently, yet firmly

"I might surprise you two to know, that i too have experimented.. Fear" he states to us. I smiled a little, we already know, Sid. But Diego decided to be sarcastic about it,

"No! You?" he acts surprised, although the sarcasm was clearly shown in his voice. But Sid being Sid, doesn't notice Diego being sarcastic.

"Oh yeah yeah. As impossible as it seems, the sloth has natural enemies that would like to harm or otherwise 'kill' us" Sis states as he says the 'harm' word slowly, and the for the word 'kill', he puts his claws in the air and does the 'speech marks' motion.

"I wonder why" i stated with a little smile of my own.

Diego though looking at Sid very sorrowfully. I sighed as i let the boys talk to eachother now. I just want to rest and sleep for the night. Im extremely tried right now. I closed my eyes and try to let sleep take over my senses.

"Well, jealousy mostly. But the point is, that fear is natural" Sid causally states.

I could tell that Diego didn't like what Sid said, and before i knew it, Diego fully left my side

"Fear is for pray" i could heard Diego lowly say, i presume he said that to Sid really close. But im not bothered to open up my eyes. I felt the warmth come back, indicating that Diego is laying besides me again. God, i love the warmth that he's giving me off right now. But then, i heard Sid speak again, "Well then, your making the water make you its pray" Sid states. I sighed softly, as i tried to focus on my breathing and finally fall asleep.

I could hear Sid moving around, i wonder why?

"Just jump in and trust your instincts" i then hear the bushes next to me make a sound, as i hear Sid say this. Is he trying to teach Diego how to swim? 

"You know, most mammals can swim as babies! And for a tiger, its like crawling on your belly, to stalk helpless prey. You can even ask Kitty, since she even knows how to swim Diego" i hear him say. I hear him move around more, what is he doing?

"But faster, okay?" i hear his voice.. spinning around us?

"Claw! Kick! Claw! Kick! Im stalking the prey! Claw! Kick! Now, i look over my shoulder to see if im being followed, and im breathing!" Im... really confused, is Sid perhaps somehow.. Spinning around me and Diego?

"And im stalking! And im stalking! And im- Ah!" i hear Sid give in a short scream, before i heard a thud. ...Did he fall over or something?

I heard Sid weakly whisper quitely, "Im falling" ...Okay then

"Correction. Your sinking... kinda like a rock" Diego smartly declares, as i know feel that he is once again laying besides me. I sighed, ill never get to sleep in this rate.

I gave up, and snuggled closer to Diego, not caring if anyone noticed or not

"Awe, look Diego, she's snuggling up to you" i heard Sid coo innocently, but i honestly dont care anymore. 

"Shut up Sid. Cant you see that she's trying to fall asleep?" Diego roughly says, as he curled up more to provide me more warmth.

I then heard soft, quite footsteps come our way, i sensed that it was infact Manny.

"'d it go?" Diego whispered towards Manny, probably thinking that im fast asleep by now 

"Hm! Not bad!" i heard him squeak out, is he trying to hide something?

I hear much more louder footsteps heading our way--angry footsteps that belong to Ellie? Uh oh, Manny did something, didn't he?

I hear a splash of water, and the warmth of the fire dissapeared. I sighed, as i opened up my eyes, and noticed that Ellie is storming off, with the fire being off. Crash and Eddie had their backs towards us, arms crossed. Yep, deferentially Manny did something.

"Okay, lets go! We've travelled with you all day, now your coming with us at night" Ellie stated angrily as she glared angrily at Manny, and huffed.

"But.. We cant see at night" Manny says quitely, probably feeling sorry for i presume hurting Ellie's feelings or something like that.

"Then enjoy the flood!" Ellie responded harshly, as she started to stomp off

"I cant even look at him!" Eddie stated, Crash suddenly turned around brutally as shouted, "Pervert!" making Manny shrink back abit by his intense glare.

Crash did the "Im watching you" sign and turned around. What did Manny do? And why did Crash call him a pervert? Unless he.. Oh... No wonder she would be this mad.

We all sighed, as we followed them, "Making friends! Everywhere you go, just making friends!" Sid states, obviously being sarcastic.

Well this will be a long night...

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