Chapter 10 ~ Food Glorious Food!

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Kitty's pov~

"Water?" i suddenly heard, but i was to tried to even care

"Water!" i heard Diego cry out. I fully woke up now and i looked at whats happening around me. Hearing more cries startled me, they were coming from Manny.

I turn towards the source of the screams, and see Diego on Manny's back.

As soon as i see them, the great mammoth started to spin around in circles to get the tiger off his back. I walked backwards so i dont get hid nor' knocked over.

I then feel something wet on my paws. Confused, i looked down and saw.. water?

Not expecting it i jumped and let out a shocked scream, which made me more alarmed of what is going on and run to a solid ground with no water. Its not that im scared of water, because im not. It just i didn't expect it and i did what my instincts told me to do.

I saw Diego look at me worriedly,  i gave him a reassuring smile. He walked towards me, obviously though stepping aside from the water, and nuzzled my head warmly. I returned it by nuzzling Diego's neck. After some time, he stood besides me.

"Crash! I told you not to drink before bed" i heard Eddie state towards his twin, i looked towards where the two possums where. Crash is lazily floating on the surface of the overflowed lake, while Eddie looks slightly disgusted at his twin brother.

"I didn't do this!" the possum protested angrily, "At least, not all of it..." the possum finished as he mumbled this quite loudly, before the two possums walk out of the flooded area we are currently standing near.

"What's happening?" Ellie's voice asks in curiosity and confusion, before Manny replies very frankily, " We overslept, we need to move" Manny demands us

"What if we're the last creatures left alive?! We'll have to repopulate the earth!" the panicking possum grabs his brother and stars to shake him, but his brother asked him a question, "How? Everyone's either a dude, our sister and best friend. And i don't want to mate with our best friend from our childhood" Crash states 

"Oh! Oh, hi! Hey, Manny... Whoa what a night" the sloth sleepily makes his way to us, while scratching his neck and trying to walk straight, but he's unable to. Me and Diego make our way to where the sloth was heading. I wonder where was he, he never wonders around at night. Since Sid sleeps like a baby.

"You'll never guess what happened to me" Sid says to us

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say you were.... sleepwalking" Diego guesses, as he walks towards Sid slightly.

"Oh! No, no, no! I was kidnapped by a tribe of mini sloths"what now? Mini... Sloths?

"That was gonna be my second guess" Diego casually states, obviously not shocked at all. Im thinking he was either imagination things, or hallucinating.

"And they worshipped me" Sid starts to talk again excitedly. He makes hand gestures to show how excited he is about the 'mini sloths'. He then carried on with his sentence, "I mean, sure, they tossed me into a flaming tarpit, but they worshipped me!" i couldn't help but to smile a little at Sid's excitement and his little 'adventure' that he had last night

"Sid, you were dreaming!" Manny's booming voice is heard and i jumped at the sudden loudness.

"Come on! The water is rising faster than we're moving" Manny starts marching the opposite way from the flooded lake and since he's the leader of this herd, we all follow him. Except Sid, who's still excited about his dream.

"Im telling you! I was kidnapped! I was w-w-worshipped! A-and th-they- guys!" Sids desperate voice reaches my ears, as i hear him run after us.

Im not sure how long we have been walking for, but im guessing not that long. We dont walk for long, but we're walking quicker than we have been for the past two days. Of course, Sid is trailing behind, while me and Diego are leading the herd with our noses. We are standing next to the giant mammoths next to us, but at the same time, we're leading them. At the minute, im in the same place as i am always at. My place is next to Manny and Diego. However, Manny is replaced with Ellie at this time. I dont mind since Ellie is my childhood best friend, and im more than glad to walk besides her aswell. The place we're right now in is a rocky place with dead tree's all over, it doesn't look very welcoming...

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