Chapter 7 ~ The Make Up

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Kitty's pov~

We walked for a while now, our footsteps have taken us to a foggy place full off rocks and boulders. Turns out, that Manny actually did 'hit on her' after she knew she was a mammoth for maybe about five - ten minutes. So, at least she knows that she's a mammoth now, but she's extremely pissed at Manny now. 

Luckily, me and Diego can see in the dark, causing our eyes to glow slightly, which is normal for both of us. We have to have this so when we hunt, we can see things when its dark. However, mammoths and sloths cant see a thing in the dark, because they aren't born to hunt nor' move in the dark. I carefully picked out where rocks or any boulders are, so i dont accidentally step or hit one. That would probably hurt, alot. Me, Sid and Diego walked in sync. At the moment, we're at the back of the herd.

Since Ellie is pissed, and her 'brothers' can see in the dark, she, Crash and Eddie are leading the herd right now. I can see and tell that Manny is trying his best to speak with her, but its not working. And he keeps on stumbling around, or hitting any branches that are currently around him. But i guess he should leave her alone for now, because when a female is angry, they would like their personal space. Or hell will break through.

The fog was annoying me to the limits though, but luckily i can see the shapes of the rocks that are layed down on the floor.

I suddenly heard a painful moan coming from behind me. I turned my head, and saw that Sid was the one that moaned out in pain. Im guessing he stumped his foot on a stump.

"Watch out! There's a stump!" Eddie calls out. He and Crash only seem to be angry at Manny, and not at any of us.

Me and Diego start walking together, with Sid following close behind. I sighed, this is going to be a pain in the butt.

"You alright Sid?" i asked him with a curious eyebrow raised

"Y-yeah, im alright" he states, but his voice still layed hurt in it. I saw the possums catch up with Ellie again. 

"What is Manny trying to do?" Sid suddenly questioned us, as he looked confusingly at the brown furred mammoth.

"He's trying to speak with her, but he wont get a single thing out of her" i stated simply

"What makes you say that Kitty?" Diego asked me curiously

"*Sigh* When a female is angry, they would like a bit of privacy. And you can tell by when she stormed off earlier" i replied while looking at him a little, and then focus my attention back to whats infront of me.

"AH!" i suddenly heard Crash and Eddie scream out, making me alarmed. I heard the cracks of rocks, and suddenly, im lifted into the air by my stomach. My claws extended out and grabbed onto it for dear life. My legs were hanging from the edge aswell. Diego was behind me aswell. I gasped when i saw everything crumbling from underneath us.

Groaning and small screams reach my ears. "Stop moving!" Diego groans out as he ordered them to stop moving so we wont fall down. "Thankyou" Diego says gratefully with a sigh. I however cant see the possums nor' Sid anywhere, making me panic a little.

The platform that we are currently on, shakes a little making me nervous and anxious again. I heard Sids small screams. I sighed in relief that Sid is okay. I suddenly saw a crack appear right between the two huge mammoths. 

"Manny! Ellie! Lock trucks!" Diego's ordering voice boomed from behind me. They looked at eachother and glared, if they wont start cooperating, me, Ellie and Diego will fall to the dark abyss thats underneath us. This is right now life or a death situation. And im choosing the life one instead thankyou!

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