Chapter 8

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Tony takes a tentative step toward the exit of the ship, knowing full well who will be there to greet him. The door opens slowly, and Tony can start to feel the warm Wakandan breeze slip through the door.

And then he is face to face with Steve Rogers.

His face looks like it did in the call, but his suit. His suit is covered in dust and soot, the once bright and gleaming symbol of America stained grey. A glass tube hangs around his neck with dog tags.

"Rogers," He says, pausing on the gangway to look Steve in the eye.

"It's good to see you, Tony," He says, looking like he wants to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but knows they still have a long way to go before they can do that.

"We missed you," he gives Tony a small smile, which to his credit, seems real even if it is not.

"You alright?" Tony replies.

"I'll be alright, always have been," He smiles again, but his eyes are pained. There is a silence for a moment. The kind of silence that is both necessary and completely unwanted.

Tony glances behind him to see Nebula, handing the other vomit bags to a. A raccoon? Nothing surprises Tony anymore.

"Gentleman" Shuri comes up from next to Steve, "It is an honor to finally meet the great Tony Stark." Her accent is smooth and thick. "I look forward to working with you in my lab." She is young, Tony thinks, far too young to be a queen. Probably near Peter's age.

"Yes, I look forward to using Wakandan technology," Tony replies.

"Tony," a voice comes from the crowd, Rhodie. Tony just about dies with happiness. One of his friends survived!

"Hi Rhodie Bear," He says nonchalantly, but at the same time gripping in a vice of a hug. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Tones. We all thought you were dead."

"Well, here I am." Tony spreads his arms in a display of his presence.

"Let us return to the briefing room to discuss what has happened." Shrui interrupts.

So they walk through the slick, modern Wakandan palace to a large room with chairs around a table. When everyone is sitting down, Tony must admit it feels rather nostalgic.

"Just like old times," He jokes.

They overview what happened in Wakanda leading up to the snap. Tony learns that Loki was killed by Thanos, for real this time. He does not learn this from Thor himself though, for he has gone out into the galaxy to search for his brother.

"Apparently before Loki died he said something about the sun shining again," Bruce adds in. "Thor is convinced it means Loki is alive.

"Let's talk casualties," Natasha says, leaning her elbows on the table.

"Sam, Tchalla, Wanda, Bucky," Steve winces at the name, "Groot, no one has heard from Clint or Scott-"

"Who is Scott?" Tony adds in.

"Ant-man," Steve says, his eyes hazy and distracted.

"You mean the guy that tore up my suit on the airfield?"

Steve nods.

"Who was lost on Titan?" Bruce asks. From across the table, the raccoon flinches.

Tony swallows, trying to get a grip, but Nebula is the one who answers. "Besides all the guardians, We lost a man called Stephen Strange and Peter."

"Parker," Tony adds in, already feeling the memories that never left swirling in his thoughts.

"I have never heard of him before," Steve's voice comes from Tony's right.

Tony is unsure if he should tell them Peter's identity. Peter trusted him with this secret, it would be a betrayal. Before Tony can say anything though, Nebula has already said


Steve looks like he remembers something, his face contorted in thought. After a moment, it falls into sadness.

"The kid from Queens," He mutters under his breath so quietly that Tony had to be listening to hear it.

"Well everyone, I would like to show Mr. Stark here the project I need him to help me with." Shuri interrupts. Tony's breath catches in his throat. Peter called him that.

"Please, call me Tony."

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