Chapter 23

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"Where the hell have you been?" Rhodey asks him when he enters the facility at 10 AM the next day, full of energy from sleeping in the suit.

"Went to go check on someone," He says, grabbing an apple from the table and taking a bite.

"Tony, we are in bad times right now, you cannot just leave!"

"Rhodes, calm down." Tony pats Rhodey's shoulder before heading to the common room.

The rest of the team is there, all of them, and so Tony sits on a nearby chair and joins in on whatever they are watching.

"You're watching Friends?" Tony says, snorting, but watches anyway because he could really use a distraction at the moment. They sit there for a while, tuning their brains out from the world around them and then Tony hears a voice from down the hallway.

"I need to see them!" He hears a man's voice say.

"Sir, you must have permission to-"

"Get Steve Rogers here and I'll get permission," he hears the voice say.

"Steve," Shuri's voice comes from the hallway, "someone wants to see you!"

Steve gets up while saying, "Who is it?"

"Scott Lang!" The man shouts from the hallway.

"Scott?" Steve says, a confused look on his face.

"That's my Dad's name, sir," and then a man comes in the room. He looks familiar, and he has a girl around his hip.

"Scott, how have you been?" Steve asks.

"Terrible! I was stuck for, like, five months in a place I didn't know how to get out of!" he is panting. "Luckily, Cassie eventually found where I was and call my friend Luis to get me out."

"I feel like I know you from somewhere," Tony says, gesturing his hand nonchalantly to the man.

Scott looks embarrassed, "I'm Ant-Man, Mr. Stark, sir," he says, sticking out his hand for Tony to shake.

"The one who tore up my suit?" Tony asks, giving Scott a curious look.

"Daddy says he tore the wires from your suit and you couldn't do anything about it!" The girl on his hip says to Tony, a smile on her face.

"Cassie! I'm sorry Mr. Sta-"

"Tony," he interrupts.

"It's nice to meet your Scott," he shakes his hand and then looks to Cassie. "I like you kid, you've got spunk." he winks at her.

"What was so important you had to come barging into the middle of Wakanda to speak to us?"

"Right," Scott says, shaking his head. "Cassie, can you leave Daddy to do something for a while?"

"What should I do?" She asks, tilting her head.

"She can check out the workshop for a while, I'll have someone watch her," Tony says.

Soon enough they are all sitting around the conference table, waiting for Scott to explain himself.

"When we saved my friend's mother from the quantum realm," he says rapidly.

"Quantum realm?" Tony asks, "My father worked on that with Hank Pym, the old man never told him anything," he scoffs, "How do you know about the quantum realm?"

"From, uh, from Hank Pym," he rubs the back of his neck.

"So Hank trusted an ex-convict over Howard Stark?"

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