Chapter 17

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I was asked about my upload schedule, so I thought I should fill you in. I post pretty much every day because I have chapters prewritten. Sometimes I post twice a day as well, who knows.

Ok thanks, enjoy this chapter.

Tony walks to the sanctum again, a bounce of confidence in his step as he quickly knocks on the door. When the door creeps open, it is Wong who stands there.

"Stark," His voice has no emotion, "What do you want."

"Temper, temper, moi Wong," he says with sarcasm, getting an eye roll from Wong.

"I came to give you something," he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small vial with Stephans ashes in it. Wong's expression remains the same, but Tony observes his shoulder's sinking back a little.

"Come, Stark," he says, pulling him into the sanctum. "Follow me."

So Tony is dragged up the stairs into a small room with only pillows on the ground.

"Are you sacrificing me to the devil?" Tony jokes. Wong ignores him, placing a few candles on the ground around a small dish with an ancient looking ladle in the middle. They sit on the cushions and Wong empties the ashes into the bowl. Tony isn't sure what comes next until he is horrified when Wong ladles a small spoonful of ashes into a flame, muttering something under his breath.

"What the hell are you doing," Tony exclaims on fear, "those are his ashes!" Wong does not reply though and Tony is full of rage.

"Tony," says a familiar voice behind him. Tony jumps from the pillow and is face to face with a ghost looking version of Stephen Strange.

"Stephan?" He says, his heart still pounding from the scare.

"The one and only," he laughs, "sort of."

"What the hell is going on?" he asks the form above him.

"The snap sent all of us into an alternate universe," Stephen says, concerningly nonchalantly.

"But I watched you dissolve."

"Yes, you watched me and others dissolve from this universe."

Tony's face must still show utter confusion because Stephan rolls his eyes.

"Every person is currently living in another plane of reality, a plane of reality where their happiest dreams have come true. Some are re-living forgotten memories, some are living their wildest dreams. But," he adds in, "it is not real, it is fake. Everyone knows of this to be true inside their own worlds. They wish to return home."

There is silence for a moment.

"I do not have much more time to project, Tony, it is extremely difficult to do this." He floats closer to Tony, his eyes piercing into Tony's.

"There is a reason I saved you Tony Stark. I saw the future, and the only way we win is with you." His form is starting to disintegrate.

"The moon does not simply disappear when we are not looking at it." And then he is gone.

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