Untitled Part 12

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 This chapter is full of subtle hints and tips with Steve Rogers. One of my favorite parts about it is that it is open to your interpretation.  


When Tony wakes up, he is tucked closely under the blankets, a bottle of water sits next to his bed, along with an Advil. He gladly takes the pill and ends up guzzling all the water. He gets up from the bed, noticing Steve is gone, his book resting on the arm of the chair he was sitting in.

Tony pitters to the kitchen, and sees Steve, flipping pancakes on the pan. He is alone in the kitchen. Tony coughs, getting Steve's attention. Steve slides the pancakes onto a plate and passes them to Tony with a fork, placing a few blueberries on top before giving them up. Tony takes them with a nod and devours them within seconds. How long had it been since he ate? Steve laughs, placing a few more on his plate.

"Thank you," Tony says with a mouth full of pancakes. "For last night."

"That's what friends do," Steve smiles, a genuine smile. Tony finally decides their friendship is fixed. Maybe it will never be the same as it once was, but that's ok. Both have suffered so much, it would be surprising if they kept their relationship the same. It would feel fake. Suddenly, Tony remembers Steve's comment about loving someone.

"Who did you love anyway Steve?" Tony asks with a joking tone. Steve blushes. Tony made captain america blush, that's an achievement. Steve doesn't say anything though, he looks sad again. His hand is resting in the middle of his chest.

"Was it that Peggy woman?" Tony asks, nonchalantly, plopping one more blueberry into his mouth. He holds one out to Steve, and he just shakes his head.

"You could say that," he says, but his expression shows something else. Steve Rogers is good at a lot of things, but lying is not one of them. Perhaps Tony is over analyzing, but he swears he sees Steve glance down.

"Hey, Steve, you don't have to tell me. I just spilled my guts out to you last night," he chuckles.

"It was Peggy," he says more certainly this time. Tony nods, satisfied with the answer for now. They sit in comfortable silence for a while as Steve cleans up his cooking, leaving a large stack of pancakes on a plate for the rest of the team.

Tony yawns, "What time is it anyway?" he asks.

"5:30," Steve mumbles into his tea, sitting in the chair Tony sat in a while ago, the one that looks over the trees. Tony assumes he stirred up some old emotions in him with Peggy. He knew it must not be easy to live in a world where everyone you ever knew is dead.

"I'm going to the lab," Tony shouts to Steve over his cup of coffee, walking away with new found energy. Steve doesn't respond and with one last glance over Tony's shoulder, he sees Steve rotating something in his hands while looking over the sunrise and trees of Wakanda.

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