Chapter 19

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"What is up with him," Clint says. These are the first words Tony has heard him speak. Everyone shrugs and so they continue their discussion.

Thor, who is usually rather quiet, suddenly is on his feet and calling for Stormbreaker.

"What the hell is going on Thor," Bruce exclaims, getting up from his chair.

"The Bifrost," He says, pointing outside. That's when Tony sees it. A huge blue current rips through the air and lands on the ground. From where they are, they can see two large figures.

The Avengers suit up in record time, approaching the two creatures from afar. When they get close enough, Tony can see that their skin is light blue.

"Frost Giants," Thor mumbles.

"I will defend this earth from you," Thor says, brandishing his ax. "This planet is not up for conquest."

"You, Asgardian, have no idea why we are here." The one on the right says casually while the one on the left looks over his left shoulder and nods.

"Do you plan on telling us?" Thor is angry, lightning crackling from his fingers.

Suddenly the two giants are pushed apart. A figure steps out from between them, a mischievous grin, long black hair, and trademark green cape.

"I would have thought you would be happier to see me, brother," Loki says, walking towards him.

"Loki?" Thor asks, flustered. "How did you survive brother?"

"After all the years we have known each other, you should have known that I am right handed." His eyes are twinkling with mischief

At this Thor laughs, barreling towards his brother and dropping his ax on the grass. He grips Loki in a hug so tight, Tony thinks Loki might break. If gods do that sort of thing.

"I love you, brother," Thor says.

"And I, you," Loki responds.

"Well this was a nice family reunion and all but last time we saw you, you were trying to take over New York," Tony says, lowering his ironman mask.

"My brother has changed his ways," Thor says, clapping him on the shoulder.

"I must show you something, brother," Loki says to Thor with a smile. "Come, Avengers," Loki starts walking toward the frost giants again.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Natasha says.

"You don't."

For some reason, they all go with him anyway. The Bifrost pulls and twists them, sending them through space like a rocket. They arrive on a cold planet. Ice surrounds them in whipping wind, and Tony can feel the rather extreme change from Wakandan sun to -15.

They follow Loki through two big black gates. As they walk past, the frost giants nod to Loki and pound their hands on their chests.

"Brother," Thor says nervously, "what have you done?"

Loki smiles, "I am the rightful king of Jotunheimen."

"Loki, you must be joking." Thor stops him.

"No brother, I am not. This is what father wanted, is it not? To bridge our two civilizations in peace. I was his asset, an asset in peace."

"So you are the king of Jotunheimen?" Thor asks, still looking confused.

"No," Loki says, "I refused." He kicks an ice chunk.

Thor freezes in his spot. "You what?"

"I think that being king would not suit me, brother, you have seen what the throne has done to me in the past."

Everyone is taken back by this statement. Tony cannot say he ever expected Loki to turn down royalty.

"Besides," Loki says, pushing open a large wooden door, "We have another kingdom to rule over brother."

They are looking over a synthetic looking valley of warm grass and small cottages. People walk along the streets laughing.

"Val!" Loki calls out over the town. A woman turns around. She wears a silver uniform and a blue cape. She groans when she sees him and slowly makes her way over.

"Valkyrie!" Thor exclaims, "You have survived!" He approaches her and seems like he is going to hug her, but she draws out a knife and pokes his chest.

"No hugs, dufus," She says. Tony likes her.

"Who are these clowns," she gestures her blade toward the Avengers.

"These are my friends," Bruce says from behind Tony. "Hello, Val."

"Bruce!" She says happily, hugging him.

"I see how it is," Thor laughs and Loki joins in.

"Attention everyone!" Loki shouts to the city, "Thor, king of Asgard." He holds his brother's hand in the air.

All of Asgard comes forward and kneels before Thor.

"Rise, my good people," Thor's voice booms over the crowd, "for Asgard is a people, not a place. We will find a new home on Midgard with these Midgardians." He gestures toward the Avengers.

"Let us celebrate the return of our king!" Loki says.

There is a woop in the crowd as the people of Asgard head toward a large area with tables already set up.

"Brother, how did you save them?" Thor says to Loki as they sit down.

"All that time you spent searching for the infinity stone I was organizing a safe place for our people in Jotunheim. When I touch the tesseract, I can see the future. I saw the rise of Hela and the slaughter of our people so I spent a great deal of time secretly transporting some here."

"I always knew there was good in you, brother," Thor says, slapping Loki on the back.

Tony reaches for the mug of mead, this being the first alcohol he has had in a while, he is extremely excited. His hand is slapped by the man beside him.

"No, Tony," Steve says in a stern tone. Tony isn't even sure how when he got there. He was being awfully quiet.

"Steve I want to celebrate!" He tries to grab for it again but Steve grabs his hand again.


"Mother hen," Tony growls as he starts to shovel pork into his mouth.

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