Untitled Part 14

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"Today is the day," Shuri said excitedly as Tony walked in the lab, coffee in hand.

"Maybe," Bruce adds in, his glasses down to the tip of his nose.

So they begin work on Vision, adding in the last few neurons and programming.

Hours flew by while their mechanical motions drew Vision closer and closer to life, guiding them through the computer as they work.

"The problem is," Shuri said, "He only remembers what happened when we downloaded him."

So he doesn't know about the snap, about Wanda. Tony thinks. He just nods.

"We'll fill him in."

They work in silence for a while longer, that is until Bruce starts freaking out.

"Guys, look outside." He says nervously.

Tony looks and is confused, "What is it Bruce, it's just a lightning storm, don't be a scaredy cat."

Bruce swallows and just shakes his head, "I need to do something," he says, running out of the lab.

Tony follows him to the main living room. He sees all the team crowded around someone on the couch. Bruce pushes through the crowd and Tony can see who it is.


Bruce gets down on one knee to look at him. His fists are clenched and he looks angry. The raccoon (Tony still doesn't know his name) is sitting next to Thor, his little paws dangling over the edge of the table.

"Thor, what did you find," Bruce's voice is gentle.

"Nothing, my friend, I have found nothing." His voice is solemn. Tony can't say he is surprised he hasn't found his brother.

Tony looks around the rest of the room and sees Clint. He looks a lot better, his skin has more color now, he has put on some weight, but his eyes are not full of life they are filled with rage. Vengeance, even.

Tony puts it together that Bruce is not going to leave Thor for a while, so he heads back down to the lab.

"Help me with this, we are very close," Shuri says as he walks in.

So he does and after a few minutes, he grabs for a wrench that is on his desk. He feels the air.

"Ugh," he groans, "Can you hand me the wrench, Pete?" The words slip from his mouth before he can change them.

"Who is Pete," Shuri says casually, "you actually called me him a lot before you started sleeping again."

Tony pinches his nose, "He was a friend of mine." Come on Tony, pull it together. "I think you would have liked him."

"Well, I look forward to meeting him," Shuri smiles, her hands putting together the last few pieces.

"We're done." Tony nods as they push the power button.

The robotic body's eyes creep open, it's hand moving up to its forehead. Vision turns his head and looks at Tony, "Sir?" he seems confused.

"Where is Wanda?" His voice sounds concerned as he begins to get off the table.

"Take it easy there buddy," Tony says, easing Vision off the table. "We have a lot to fill you in on."

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