Who are you?

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The roads of Silla were busy and full with people as usual. People doesn't care about others and were doing their own thing. Okta was filled with young men and beautiful women who were enjoying the night life. A carriage entered in to the Silla which made others curious. It was with golden design and has the royal guard. People suddenly started looking at the carriage with curiosity. They all got shocked and mesmerized when a girl came out.

She was beautiful with her silky black hair tied in bun and her blue dress was matched the night sky. But that wasn't the only thing that caught their attention. She was carrying a weapon and her dress looked like a warrior dress. It is strange for a girl to wear this kind of dress in Silla. The more they saw her the more they wanted to know her.


The reason I came here could wait for a while. I felt thrilled watching the Silla for the first time. I heard about it from lot of people out in the village. Finally, I got the chance to visit the place. "We have to go now Y/n" I looked at Jiwon who has been by my side for as far as I could remember. "It can wait. You go and inform them I will be late for the event" he gave me disapproving look.

"You know we can't do that" I didn't bother thinking as I already decided. "You know I don't care" he sighed before getting in to the carriage. I am going to sleep once I reach there so what is the point of going. I have to meet them in the morning after the breakfast so it won't bother them anyway. I smiled to myself when the carriage left. Once it was out of my sight I walked around the streets of Silla. I heard there are some places which are sacred and only higher officials are allowed. I am curious to find those places.

I wondered around the streets slowly making my way to Najeong. It is the sacred place I heard about. I heard one of the previous ruler was born here. The entire place was well managed and merely quiet. I would be in trouble if someone see me here. I wrapped the cloth around my face covering it. It is forbidden for anyone to come here in the night even for the true bones.

I stopped walking when I heard the footsteps. I hid behind the wall and looked at the entrance. I saw five boys sneaking in. what are they doing here at this time? I followed them quietly without them noticing me. I stood frozen when I saw them fighting with five more guys. Have they gone crazy? They would be punished to death if queen found out about this. I stayed there unaware of what to do.

I pushed one of them when I saw he was about to hit the other guy very badly. I twisted his hand making him fall before turning to him. He looked at me confused and I must say he looked very innocent. I wonder how did he managed to get in to this. "Are you ok?" I offered him hand which he took instantly. "Who are you?" before I can answer him I saw the guards entering the place. While he was distracted with the guards I left the scene quietly.

"You have insulted the sacred Najeong. Capture them" guards separated them and tied them before taking them out from there. I sighed knowing they have to face the consequences now. Lets just hope they won't be punished very badly. I made my way back to Okta where I am supposed to meet Jiwon. He would be mad if I am not there by the time he reaches the place.

"Where the hell were you?" I told you he would be mad. "Sorry, got caught up in something" I didn't give him chance to ask any more questions as I got in the carriage. We both made our way to our staying place. I have four more hours before the meeting. I should just change and sleep for a while. I closed my eyes and sleep instantly.

*Time skip*

"Do I look good?" I asked Jiwon twirling around in front of him. "You look beautiful" he gave me his rare smile which means he is saying the truth. I smoothened my dress before walking out. I hate dressing up but this means a lot to me and I have to be prepared for this meeting. "Let's go they might be waiting for us" I nodded my head and followed him outside. I got in to the carriage with him and we went to Silla palace.

The same place where my everything was ruined before I was born. It made my blood boil and my hands clenched in to fists. "Let's not ruin this now" Jiwon took my hand and squeezed it making me unclench. I took a long breath trying to calm myself. He is right. I worked so hard for this day. I have a long way to go. I can't let my anger ruin this.

"I am here to meet the queen" I passes her the scroll which has the queen invitation. Maid took it in side and we waited for her reply. "Queen will see you in few minutes" she guided us to the room where we were told to wait. "We are asking you to forgive our sons" I heard the faint voices from the room. "seems like one of her plans to get them in the hwarang" Jiwon said when we peeked through the door hole. I saw all the people who oppose queen begging her to forgive their sons.

She really is cunning. So, the fight at night she planned it. She sure has a way to make people do what she wants. That means that boy also will be there. "This should be interesting" I grinned knowing this will be fun playing with her this time. "Queen" I bowed to her along with Jiwon when we came in. "I would like to speak with you alone" I signaled Jiwon to leave and he did.

"I heard a lot about you from the master park when he visited us" I fake smiled. "I am thankful to master park for that" he is the one who helped me to get in to the Silla. He knows my story and wanted to help me. "I want you to train hwarang and make them best in everything" I bowed again showing my agreement. "I also want you to keep an eye on master wi-hwa for me. I can't trust him with the hwarang" I smiled at her. "I will make sure hwarang is prepared for the king only" I mean it. They will serve king not you. Let's start the game now. 

Author note:

I made some characters for the story line. Jiwon and master park characters are created. they were not in the story.

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