Who is the real king?

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Hello readers... I changed some parts of last chapter. Please reread the chapter before reading it. Hope you like this chapter. 

Also I was thinking of doing Q&A with the readers. So if you have any questions you want to ask me you can message me or ask in the comments. If I get enough questions then I will publish them. 

Don't forget to vote while reading and comment your thoughts. 

Now back to the story...


I sat in front of the lake looking at the two brothers bonding from the distance. I smiled when I saw Danse crying and Hansung wrapped his arms around his hyung. I remember Hansung words last night.

*Flash back*

"I am scared" I looked up to see Hansung face. "Why?" he frowned. "Will I ever be like Sunwoo or others. Grandfather wanted to see me as a successful person but I am nowhere near it" I unwrapped his arms from me before sitting properly. "You are so much brave and cool than those people out there"

"You wanted to save Sunwoo even when you know you will die. You didn't do it cause he is a king but he is your friend. People in Silla are hungry for money and power but you-" I paused looking at his innocent face. "You are just looking for happiness and love. I am so proud of you Hansung. You have something those people doesn't have" I smiled caressing his cheek. "I want to talk to hyung. I am sure he is blaming himself. I want to tell him it was fine and I want him to live happily too"

"You can let him know that tomorrow. How about take rest for now? Don't think much and sleep" I patted the pillow making him lay down. I waited till fell asleep before leaving the room.

*End of flashback*

When I woke up in the morning, I went to check on Hansung. But he was already up and wanted to meet his brother. I haven't seen him but Sunwoo told me he gave him a letter Hansung wrote to him and his grandfather. I felt proud when he told me what he wanted to do. I promised myself I will walk with him on any path he wants to take from now on. I won't let go of his hand no matter what happens.

"What are you doing here?" I jumped in scare when I heard his voice. "I can ask you the same thing" he rolled his eyes watching the brothers. "I am happy for him" I smiled at his mention. "I wanted to apologize" I looked at him confused. "It happened because of me. if he didn't try to save me" I cut him off. "You would have died" he glared at me.

"It wasn't your fault. you were victim too" I told Sunwoo knowing him. "We should think about further things. How we are going to face everyone and save Ahro" at the mention of Ahro his face lost all the color. "We will help you in that" we both looked up to see Danse, Hansung, Yeowool and Sooho.

I have told Hansung everything. How Sunwoo family and mine was killed. How I became orphan and how he ended up in the village. I found out recently too but Hansung was beyond shocked when he came to know about the king.

Sooho, Yeowool said they will help us whatever it is even though they don't know the matter completely. I felt happy knowing this they are trying to help cause of their friendship. "Ahro is going to Nam Mo's shrine today" I informed Sunwoo about queen plan. "I have to go there" he got up in rush but I stopped him.

"Going alone won't be wise. Take Sooho and Danse with you" they both nodded leaving with him. "Go and try to control the rumors in hwarang. We need to keep hwarang as one to go against queen" I told them both but Hansung stood beside me. "What about you?" he asked me. "I have to find Jidwi. I haven't seen him after last night. I am sure he will do something reckless"

"I will come with you" I shook me head negatively. "I will go alone" I didn't give him chance to reply as I left the place. I walked to the palace hoping to meet Jidwi here. Before I can enter the palace Jiwon pulled me to the side. "Jiwon, what are you doing here?"

"I need to speak with you" he took me to some place in okta which was decorated nicely. It felt like the place where royals would hangout. I saw same guy from the market who I think is Sunwoo father sitting inside the room. "Y/n" I bowed my head in respect. "I hope you will serve my family like your parents" he said referring to his order.

"I will with my life" I answered firmly. "I am planning to make Sunwoo king and I want you to protect him at all costs" I personally want Jidwi to become king but I don't have any choice to but to follow Sunwoo and his father orders as he is my master. "Yes sir" he informed about his plan on how he wants to make queen step down from her position.

After almost four hours of listening to him I walked out. I felt lost with the all the drama around me. why can't it be easy. I made my way back to hwarang slowly. "Where were you?" I was attacked by Hansung when I went back. "Why? What happened?" he looked panicked which made me worry.

"Jidwi announced he is king and Ahro was shot" my eyes widened at the information. I got inside and Yeowool explained how every one is freaking out on the new news. I know he will do something stupid but I didn't expect him to announce something like this. "How is Ahro?" I asked Danse when I saw him in my room along with others. "She is treated by her father. She is out of danger"

I sighed in relief. "Where is Sunwoo?" Hansung looked at Danse before answering me. "I think he went to see his father" so he must have decided on becoming king. "What will happen now? People think Sunwoo is better king and Jidwi as better hwarang" Yeowool commented. "It doesn't change the fact Jidwi is the real king and Sunwoo can't become one"

Hansung glanced at me before looking at others. Only Hansung and I know the truth of his family. I am sure they will find out soon though. I will follow Sunwoo orders but I want to listen from him what he actually."I have to go and meet Sunwoo" I informed before walking out of hwarang.     

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