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"Make sure to stay safe ok?" I chuckled at Jiwon words making him glare at me. I agreed to become the trainer for hwarang which means Jiwon has to leave the Silla today. He will go back and I will move to hwarang along with others. I got dressed up for the ceremony as queen ordered me to. "You will make my hair grey with all the worry"

I patted his back grinning. "Don't worry, you will still look handsome" he glared at me making me laugh. "We should go. You have to leave the Silla anyway" he agreed with me and we walked out of the palace. "Take care of him for me" I stroked my horse gently before handing him to Jiwon. "I will. Send me letter if you need me" I saluted making him roll his eyes. I looked at him as he left the palace. Now I am all alone in the Silla.

"Are you ready master y/n" I looked at the guard and nodded my head. He prepared my carriage taking me to where the ceremony will happen. "Queen will join you soon" he said and left the place. I waited for her as I am supposed to go along with master we hwa. It is a weird name. I wonder how he will be like. I bowed when I saw her making her way towards us.

"We will start the ceremony soon" she told others as she got up and sat in her chair. I looked around and saw the men who were fighting yesterday. I looked at the boy who I saved and he pointed his finger at me confused. I glared at him making him lower his finger. I think he recognized me. I will speak to him after the ceremony. "Where is that kid?" I looked at queen confused.

"He didn't come yet, my queen" I spotted two empty places and frowned knowing we are waiting for someone. If they can't even come on time how will they manage to become hwarang that saves the king. I groaned inside from all the waiting. "Start the ceremony" finally, I sighed in relief when she said that. I took my oath after master we hwa as trainer. Soon everyone accepted the decree.

Soon after that I saw two men enter the place and accept their decree. I was shocked for a moment when he saw him. what is he doing here? His eyes were fixated on queen but when he met my eye he looked shocked too. I guess this will be whole mess from the start for me. "You have to join the parade" I rolled my eyes at master we hwa comment. "I can't. I have other works" he yelled at me but I ignored him and left the place.

"Hey you" I stopped when I heard someone. "You were the one who helped me last night, right?" this boy was good at identifying people I guess. "You got the wrong person" he held my wrist stopping me. "I know its you. you have the same locket that day too" I looked at my locket then at him. "Then you better forget what happened"

"I just wanted to thank you for saving me that night" he grinned making me surprised. "I am Hansung. I guess we will see each other again" he smiled making me smile too. he looked so innocent I can't help but be nice to him. he waved once again thanking me then he left not waiting for me to answer. I looked at him smiling before leaving the place.

*time skip*

I looked around the area slightly smoothening my dress. I wrapped a cloth around my head before adjusting my sword. I walked inside but the guards stopped me. "Who are you miss?" I gave him the message scroll which I was told to show here. Even though I participated in ceremony yesterday still some guards don't know me. He took it inside as I waited for his answer. After a while he came back and invited me in. I decided to take a look around the place. After all I am going to stay here for a while. I saw lot of men walking and looking at me confusedly. I might look different from other girls in the Silla. It is very rare to see a girl carrying a sword and travel on horse acting like a man.

"You can come in miss" guard guided me inside a room. I saw master we-hwa looking at me with a hard look. He must have gone mad in a day by training those idiots here. "So, it seems like you will be training hwarang?" he was eating rice cracker in a weird way if you ask me. "I am sure that is what the message is about and you already know from yesterday" he looked at me for a while before getting up from his seat. "I am not sure what she wants but I won't sit silent if you ruin something"

"You have to make sure hwarang is in their best and keep an eye on them" queen decided to send me as spy to make sure the old man doesn't disobey her.

"Yes, your highness. I will inform you if anything goes wrong" I bowed to her.

"Also watch out for Jidwi"

I reminded myself about the conversation we had after the ceremony. "I am not pleased to be here either old man. So, let's get it over with" The old man scowled at me before walking out. "You have to come, it's an emergency" he looked at me before following the bulky man. I decided to follow them too since he didn't tell me what to do.

The sight in front of me was not what I signed up for. Everyone has bruises over their faces. Just one day in hwarang they already started fighting. These spoiled kids are so annoying. "You will get three chances and once" he was explaining the rules and I zoned out. once he was done with rules then he introduced me as a trainer. Everyone was shocked to find it and had different opinions saying I am a girl. I shouldn't be in hwarang in the first place but they all shut their mouth when they saw my skills. I just gave them demo to shut their mouths.

After a while we all decided to eat food before starting the training. When I entered the hall, I saw one rude boy making comments about Sunwoo sister. I got the feeling punch him but held it in. These true bones think they are the all high and mighty. I would love to show them their place. I left the place silently not wanting to make any scene there. I would have punched him in normal circumstances. But I can't do that since I am a trainer here. I will find a way to make him pay though.

"As it is my first day, I want to see where your skills are. You have to get 5 points in sparring with me. So, who will come first" I eyed everyone carefully when the class started. The same boy from dining hall raised his hand. I nodded as signal for him to come front. "What's your name?" he gave me small bow "Banryu" 

I signaled him to start and he tried to hit me with his sword from right but I dodged it. He seems arrogant with the way he is holding his sword. It means he is not good with logic but thinks he is best. I am not going easy on him. I purposely hit him hard. It continued for a while with others. None of them were capable of fighting properly.

I was impressed with Jidwi though. He was able to dodge my moves. He almost won. Keyword almost. No one can defeat me when it comes to fights. But it made me more curious as why queen wanted me to observe him the most.

"It seems like none of you have the skill required" everybody frowned at my choice of words. "You can't defeat the enemy just with your physical strength"  I explained them the need of thinking which they are all lacking. "If the king was attacked by group assassins what would you do?" I looked around to see who would answer my question. "We will kill them" Sooho answered and few agreed with him. "And how will you do that?" nobody answered me this time. "it is not always about killing others. You have to save your people at the same time. As no one has the answer come with best strategy tomorrow" with that I waved them to leave. They all stood up and left. I decided to walk around to get some fresh air.

"Y/n what are you doing here?" I grinned at the very familiar face. "Missed me?"    

Author Note: 

So who do you think is the guy? I will try to update in every five days...

Keep reading and vote and also comment your thoughts.


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