You like him

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I couldn't sleep whole night after what I found out. It's not like I can sleep normally. I told him I have to go back after few minutes and he was kind of sad. He didn't say about it but I can see it on his face. I felt sad seeing his mood but I couldn't spend time with him after finding out that I have feelings for him.

I mean I came here to find the real king and make queen pay for her mistakes. I never planned to stay here forever. But falling for Hansung will make it difficult for me to leave Silla. Moreover, it's not like I have a choice with him. He doesn't love me. He only sees me as a good friend. Besides he is a true bone and his grandfather will never allow him to be with me even if he end up liking me which would cause lot of problems for the both of us. I have to make sure he doesn't find about my feelings.

In order to do that I have to keep my distance from him. This is the only way to keep both of us safe from heartbreak. Today hwarang going to be back from their break and old man said he is assigning some disciples to them. I have to be there when he assigns them. So here I am standing with them in front of hwarang early in the morning.

He announced the news of disciples and asked them to go to their masters. I saw Paoh, Jidwi body guard and also happened to be his disciple now. Jidwi looked at me and sighed knowing what I am thinking. I looked at Sunwoo disciple and to my surprise it was Danse, Hansung older brother.

I glanced at Hansung and saw he is looking at his brother. He must be confused to see his brother here. Once we were done, he asked them to prepare with their disciples and left. I walked to my shared room with Ahro to get some rest. "You look terrible" I rolled my eyes at her. "Gee, thanks for reminding me" I said falling on the bed. "Didn't you sleep last night" I sighed rubbing my eyes. "I couldn't sleep" I felt bed dip beside me as she sat.

"Are you ok?" my eyes widened when I heard the male voice. I sat up straight in surprise which was wrong move cause my face was so close to Hansung. So close I can smell his breath. I backed away creating some space between us. "What are you doing here?" he blinked his eyes. "he is trying to bunk the class" Ahro answered instead of him. "I don't want to see my brother that's why"

"Why is that?" he sat in Indian style looking at me. "You know I like my brother but he always forces me to be like him" he told us how he feels to see his brother here. For once I felt happy, I don't have a family cause I don't have to deal with this family drama.

"Well, I am sure he will be happy when he sees how much you have improved" I told him looking at his expression. His expression changed from pout to happy with showing his boxy smile and his eyes shined so brightly. At this moment even, sun couldn't shine as much as he is shining. My heart swelled with a strange feeling watching him happy. I have to enjoy all the time I have with him with out making him aware of my feelings.

"You think so?" I shook my head making him frown. "I know so" his smile returned again making me wonder how can someone be so happy with in seconds of being sad. He got up from the bed before giving a hug to me making me freeze. He left the room saying he will go to class now. I sat there in daze from the warm hug he gave me.

"Y/n" I jumped a bit when I saw Ahro face so close to mine. "What?" she rolled her eyes at my rude voice. "Why do you look bit weird to me?" she said sitting beside me observing my closely. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she held my face in her hands turning my head up and down. "You are blushing now. Do you like him?" I slapped her hands away.

"I don't. stop making assumptions" I said getting up from the bed. "Fine, I have to go anyway. I have to give this letter to Banryu" I listened to her as she told me how Sooho sister likes him and all. "I will give it to him" she turned to me confused. "I need to discuss some thing with him" she handed the letter to me. "Make sure to warn him not to hurt her" I gave her a mock salute before leaving the room. "I will inform him"

I walked in the hallways and spotted Banryu looking in to space. "Shouldn't you be in class?" he looked at me. "I skipped class" I took the letter out and showed him. "You got letter" he took it slowly. "Don't answer if you don't like her. She seems to like you a lot" I think he got the point as his eyes widened in realization. "And also chose a right path cause it will hurt the people who love you also if you chose the wrong path"

I patted his back leaving him there stunned. I don't think he did it but he should know what is right by now. He can't listen to his father all the time. I walked to class but stopped by master We-Hwa on my way. "What is it now?" he signaled me to follow him. "Princess want to held a competition in forest as a real hunt" he said once we entered his room.

"What do you mean?" he sighed in frustration. "She is trying to play some games. I am not sure what but I had a feeling it won't go well" I know she didn't come here without reason. I am sure she has some motive. But the main target will be Ahro since queen know she can be a threat. "She asked me to prepare and announce hwarang will have this event at the end of this week"

So, she must be thinking of hurting Ahro in this event. She doesn't have to give any explanation if it happens during event. "I have to go" I left the room in the search of Jidwi ignoring his yelling. I have to warn him so that he can keep an eye on princess Sook-myung. I have a bad feeling about this event.    


Probably four or five chapters are left before the story is finished. So do you have any suggestions or ending you wanting to see for this book. Just let me know if you have some. 

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