Found Out

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*End of day*
Y/N: *goes to my locker and packs my bag*

Yoongi: Aye

Y/N: *rolls eyes* what?

Yoongi: Is that really your eye colour?

Y/N: *closes my locker and looks at Yoongi* What do you mean?

Yoongi: Don't act fucking stupid you heard me

Y/N: Yes its my real eye colour but it changes on occasion....You got a problem with that?

(By the way here's your eye colour of you were curious)

          (By the way here's your eye colour of you were curious)

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Yoongi: No...I just have a problem with you in general... Anyway that's all wanted to find out bye bitch *walks away*

Y/N: Did this fool just call me a- Boi just cause he's an alpha all of a sudden he thinks He's the shit?

Y/N: Im stronger than all the alpha's in this world combined

Mark: You talking to yourself?

Y/N: Sorry it's just that since Yoongi over here is an alpha he thinks he's a hotshot who can push people around at will

Mark: You do know you can show dominance right?

Y/N: Nah...I want him to feel powerful for a bit longer before I brutally bring him down *chuckles and walks out*

Y/N: I wanna see that lake again...It was beautiful... *Changes into a wolf and heads to the lake she found last night*

Y/N: *sits and looks as the scenery in front of me*

Y/N: *hears a sound from behind me and turns around*

Kai: *Circling around Y/N* A pretty wolf like you shouldn't be walking around here alone

Y/N: Who said i was alone? You're here with me after all

Kai: Beautiful fur and eyes...I've never seen a wolf like you around here before...You new?

Y/N: I moved here about a week ago

Kai: The name's Kim Jong-in but everyone calls me Kai...What's your name pretty lady?

Y/N: My name's Lee Y/N...

Kai: How would you like to be an Omega? My Alpha would love to have a rare specimen like you

Y/N: No thanks I'm good

Kai: *chuckles* I wasn't asking...Follow me

Y/N: No

Kai: Do I need to show dominance?

Y/N: Try me

Kai: *growls and gets in my face*

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