Ice That Bitch Out

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*School opened back up a few days after the Suho incident everyone was still a bit shaken. But what makes everyone mad is that Suho hasn't been expelled from school even though everyone knew he was the shooter, and everyone saw him shoot Y/N and Yoongi*

Y/N: *wakes up and sighs* I actually rather staying home than going back to school ....*gets dressed*

*gets dressed*

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*Y/N outfit^*

*Y/N outfit^*

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*Y/N hair and makeup^*

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*Y/N hair and makeup^*

Y/N: *sighs* Back to school! *smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes*

*She goes downstairs, says her goodbyes and goes to school*

Yoongi: Y/N! *Hugs her tightly taking in her scent*

Y/N: *chuckles* Hi there~

Yoongi: *Sighs* you're my reason for coming to school everyday i swear

Y/N: *laughs* And you're mine <3

*Bts blow raspberries*

If you don't know what "Blowing Raspberries" is here is what it is

So.....There :) continuing

Taehyung: Why don't y'all just fuck eachother already?

Yoongi: Cause her dad will whoop her ass and then kill me

*The front school yard goes dead silent as Suho steps out his car and walks through the gates and parts through the crowd like a shark going through a school of fish*

Again...If you don't know what I mean...👇

There you go :) ok now I promise (no promises) that this'll be the last time I interrupt your episode :)))

*Yoongi pulls Y/N close to her and she turns away from Suho not wanting to look at him*

Suho: *Stops* .....What the fuck are y'all looking at?

Boy: There was no reason to burst into and ruin our fun man!

Girl: You were popular, you were friends with everyone! Nothing would have triggered you to burst into prom and shoot Yoongi and Y/N

Boy 2: You should've been EXPELLED!!! *He starts chanting* GET HIM EXPELLED, GET HIM EXPELLED!!

*The whole yard quickly joins and Suho runs into the school only to be presented with more hate and just ends up hiding in the bathroom*

*The days go by and instead of hate people decided to pretend like he doesn't exist, Excluding him from partner work, not letting him sit at any tables, whenever he tried to talk to someone they'd walk away or run away in fear*

Suho: Y/N....

Y/N: *doesn't respond*

Suho: Y/N pl-

Yoongi: *Basically shoves him out the way like he wasn't even there* You ready babe?

Y/N: Yep! *He takes her hand and they walk away*

Suho: *growls and punches a locker* THIS ISN'T FAIR! *Storms out the school, hops into his car and speeds off*

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