Chapter 1- sweet memories

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Driving from one end of michigan to the other was not your most favourable past time, however, it had been too long since you had last seen your beloved cousin, Daniel Wagner. The summer breeze tangled itself in your (H/C) hair, and the mid day Sun kissed your soft skin. At this moment you felt utterly contented, no school work, no stress , just you in your car, listening to the music you love while humming along. Your fingers drum against the cream staring wheel as you make a final left turning into the beautiful pituresque town of Frankenmuth. Oh how you always loved it here. You missed living here terribly,  with your dad getting a promotion, you where forced to move away. It has been years since you last saw Daniel, in fact the last time you saw him, he told you about a band he had joined with the kiszka brothers. You must had been 13 or 14 at the time, now 19, you had heard so much of their band , it was amazing, touring the  world, creating a new face for rock n roll, bringing back a genre of music you absolutely adored to its rightfull place. They where truly something else and you couldn't wait to see them again. You had known the Kiszka boys while in high school, well, mostly sam , he was one of your best friends and boy where you excited to see him again. You had frequently met josh and jake too, but only when studying at their house with sam. You remember when the band started to truley take shape, jake and josh would always pull you and sam into the garage when you were on your way to study , they needed a bass player. You just watched and hummed along, not that you minded of course, as cliche as it was, yes you did have a crush on your best friends older brother, how could you not? Too you, Jake kiszka was a God, you laugh thinking about how silly you where. You couldn't really remember much about the day you left Frankenmuth, it was around the time Kyle the drummer stopped playing and Danny took his place, you remember how excited he was. You're so proud of him, Danny was always more of a brother than a cousin, he was always so protective over you, so it was truly painfull to have to say good bye, the same goes for sam, you can remember how much you where crying hugging sam and Danny, they gave the best hugs. It's hard enough leaving one best friend, but leaving two, it was a truley heartbreaking day. Jake and josh came to say good bye too , you didn't really know them that well but you missed how silly the twins where, they would always make you laugh. You smiled at the memories, and butterflies had started to form in your stomach from excitement. Danny and the boys where back from touring, and finally back home for a well earned break. So it was only right for you too take a trip over to visit them. As a surprise of course. Your auntie, Dannys mum, got in touch with You and begged you to come down and stay for a while, she and her husband where going on holiday too Europe with the kiszka brothers parents so it would be just you and the boys, perfect, its going to be so fun. Or so you thought ..

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