chapter 11-wake up call

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The sound of laughter woke you up. You could hear faint whispers from outside the tent. 'Boys are probably up' you figured.

You checked your watch, 9:52 am. Fuck, what are they doing up so early. You huffed at the thought of getting up and snuggled back down into your extremely warm covers.
A couple minuits passed until you started to feel the ground move beneath you. 'What the heck?' You shuffled a little bit to inspect the sudden movement, that's when your heart stopped.
A shirtless mass of long hair layed asleep beneath your small form.
One arm gripping you tightly around you waist the other gripping the top of your thigh that was laying across it's stomach.
Your heart was still racing, mentally you knew who you where currently entangled with, however you hoped it was not who you thought, that would be too emabrassing to say the least. You very lightly, trying not to disturb the sleeping man, moved his hair out of his face. Your breath hitched as you looked down on the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. Jake kiszka, lips slightly parted, looking the most content and relaxed you had ever seen him.

But how had you not noticed when you woke up before!
You don't remember getting into his tent.
That's when images of you and jake slow dancing in the trees encompassed your mind. Shit, I must have fallen asleep, fuckin idiot.
Then you realized jake must have carried you here, you smiled at the thought, but why didnt he put me in Sammys tent?

Your thoughts where interrupted by to big brown eyes staring up at your confused face, he started to sit up still holding onto your waist and thigh.
You face went bright red, trying to look anywhere but his very kissable face.
"Um-mornin' jake, can you let go of me" you giggled at him as his face flushed red at the realisation of your current position.
His eyes widened looking down at the tight grip he still had on you and let go immediately,
"Sorry, I didn't mean too-uh, yeno I was asleep an stuff so i-" he began to ramble again, you laughed at his obvious embarassment pushing your self off of him.
"It's fine jake, didnt know you where that much of a cuddler though" you teased him, trying to get rid of the awkwardness of the situation.
"Neither did I" he laughed back, "we better get up before the boys suspect anything" he wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you shoved his shoulder.
"I'm your dreams kiszka", you removed your self from the covers and crawled out of the tent.

"Morning sunshine" Josh called from by the fresh fire, "did you sleep well? If you slept at all" he smirked,
"Fuck you Josh" you made your way over to Danny and plopped your self down next to him.
"And yes I slept great thaks for asking"

"Ughhhh, I slept litrally on a pointy rock all night" Sammy came up from behind you with an arm full of wood which he threw on the fire.
He lifted his shirt where a bruise was staring to form, "awe is Sammy lamby hurt" you teased poking his bruise
"Owe y/n What the hell?!" He sulked at you which made you burst into a fit of giggles.
He huffed and sat down next You. Sam looked very cute today, with his little visor on.

"Sooooo, what's the plan for today?" You asked, talking to no one in particular.
"Well, we where thinking of heading home and maybe throwing a little party since we are all back.. unless you don't want that, we could do something else" Danny said,
A party sounded fun, you hadn't been to one in a while, I guess it would be nice seeing old famiar faces again.
"Yer! A party sounds great, our house or the boys'?"
"We can have it at ours, we know how much your mom loves her decor danny" jake said, finally emerged from the tent.
"Okay then it's settled" Sammy clapped his hands together.

"FINALLY THE PARTY ANIMAL MAY BE RELEASED FROM THE CONTRAINTS OF NORMALITY" Josh was shouting standing on top of a log flailing his arms about.
"Shut the fuck up josh" jake said rolling his eyes at his overly dramatic twin.
"Hey!.." the twins started to bicker.
You made your way back to the tent, put on fresh clothes and braided your hair.
The boys had started to pack up all their stuff.

Hiking down the hill was ten times more easier than going up, you managed to keep up with jake and had a great conversation on rock n roll, like jake you played guitar, you where no were near as good as him However he offered to teach you a few songs during your time with them to which you eagerly accepted, alone time with jake. Yes please.

Once you made your way to the car, you offered to drive so Danny could have a rest.
"I am the driver so I'm in charge of the music" you said choosing a CD and playing it, none of the boys complained since you all had basically the same music taste, however like jake prefered rock n roll. You chose guns n roses, appetite for destruction and sang along confessing your love for slash.
"" you whined,
"Hes like more than double your age" Danny scrunched up his nose at the thought.
"Age IS just a number hunny, and anyway I'm 19, I'm legal" you wiggled your brows causing the boys to choke.

You arrived home at around one o'clock, the brothers made their way back home to set up for the party, to which you said you would make your way over in a couple hours to help finish, leaving you and Danny to the much needed peace and quite.

Hey! So this is kinda a filler chapter as I have 0 ideas of what is going to happen next..... please give me ideas 😂😂😂

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