chapter 6- UV protected

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The car jouney went smoothly, thank the Lord, and you arrived at the beautiful nature reserve around noon so it was pretty hot out. Along the way jake took out his ukelele from his bag, and you all began to sing "cant help falling in love", you didn't realize how good of a voice jake had. when he was singing you could see him staring at The side of your head which made you blush, that didn't mean anything right? He just thinks of me as a sister doesnt he? Jake had pressed his knee against yours But you thought nothing of it.

You all piled out of the car and grabbed your bags, Josh was complaining about his legs, even though he had the most leg room.
You had your bikini on under your clothes so you took off your top and called Sammy over.
"Hey can you spray me?" Handing him the sunscreen,
"Yuppp" he grabbed the bottle and started spraying your front, his eyes lingering at your chest area a little longer than they should have making you smile and roll your eyes. You and Sam always had a flirtaitious friendship, but you both saw each other as brother and sister when it came down to it.
"Sam!" You turned around and seen jake marching over to you, his eyes dark.
Sam averted his gaze and looked at his brother with a confused expression,
"Wha-" he began but jake cut him off.
"Danny needs your help getting the rest of the stuff out the car" his voice seemed different. Odd.
You stood between the two boys eyeing each other.
"Okay let me just finished spraying y/n" Sam said,
"No,I'll do it, you need to help danny" jake had already grabbed the bottle off of Sammy.
"Okay then..." Sam raised his eyebrows at his brothers change in mood and then started to laugh. You stood there dumbfounded.
"Okay jake, you can spray your GIRLFRIEND" you face went up in flames and you shot Sam a harsh glare.
"Fuck off sam" jake said flipping his brother off with a laugh, then turned to you and smiled, Sam raised his hands in the air, shot you a wink, then started to jog over to Danny. What dorks.
"Sorry bout that" jake chuckeled then motioned for you too turn around. His hand brushed against the bare skin of your neck to move some of your hair out of the way. You shivered. 'Damn, I think I've really fallen for this boy again' you thought.
"Okay you're all UV protected, do me?" He asked handing you the bottle, 'I would do you in so many ways' you thought, mentally slapping yourself.
"Yer sure" you took the bottle and started to spray his beautiful tan body once he took off his shirt. You couldn't help but stare, biting your lip in concentraion.
"JAKE! Y/N STOP EYE FUCKIN EACH OTHER AND LET'S GO!" Josh screamed, Danny pushed him into a tree cursing at him to stop embarrassing you, and Sam stood there pissing himself. Idiots.
You blushed and looked at jake, "We better get going" you said to him tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Yerr.." his voice drifted; eyes half lidded staring at your face.

Jake's pov
He coughed, awakening from his trance, as he saw you turn to make your way over to the guys. 'God she's so fucking beautiful', I don't know what came over me when I saw Sam staring at her, I know they are like brother and sister, but still, I want her too be mine. I couldn't help but get excited when she took her top off, it's so hot that she's wearing our band tee. I feel like a dumb hormonal teenager again. Bitchin' jake is back ladies and gents... no.
I'm going to take a step back, see how it goes, I don't know if she likes Sam, I might ask her, or him. I don't want to get in the way of anything, yet I don't think I could handle seeing her with my brother the way I want to be with her.
Yer, I'm just going to be friends with her for know, the thought makes me cringe, but I don't want to ruin the friendship we already have if she doesn't like me back.... friends...

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