Chapter 8~ waterfall

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The lake was just how you remembered it, boarderd by glistening rocks, and wild floweres of every colour. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. You stood their for a short while taking in the view and breathing in the earthy smell.
The waterfall cascaded over a small rock face, concealing a small cave you and the boys had discovered while swimming here in the past.
The boys had started to take off their clothes, leaving on their swimming shorts, you smirked at Sam who was wearing a bright orange very short pair, spotted with little guitars.
"Don't even think about laughing y/n, these shorts are awesome!" Sam said pointing a finger at you, his other hand placed on his hip.
"I wasn't laughing Sammy," you smirked, pulling the rest of your clothes off placing them in a neat pile under a tree. One thing about these boys you love, you never felt self concious around them, they where the least judgmental people you know, always have been.
You were wearing a black bikini, with a red pattern on it. And no, you never picked this one out because they where Jake's favorite colours.....

You heared a wolf whistle come from behind you. Josh. You blushed.
"Hot damn baby, where the fuck is jake he's missing out"
"Shut up! Josh no fair" you said pouting.
"Hey Josh, y/ns mine back off" Sammy said playfull, scooping you up into his arms. He plodded over to the lake, with you clinging onto him and jumped straight into the water. Any other time you would have flipped him off, but you where boiling hot from all the hiking and needed a cool down.

You detached yourself from Sam, and started to paddle around dunking your head under the the crystal blue water. When you brought your head back up, you slicked your now wet hair back with your hands. Opening your eyes, you where faced by a waist deep in water, blushing Sam and Josh.
"What?" You asked, furrowing your brows.
"You are really beautiful ya know that y/n, like seriously, you don't realize how much you have changed" Josh said eyeing you up and down, Danny rolled his eyes and starting swimming in the other direction muttering "freaks" along the way.

You blushed looking down at the water,
"You're not to bad yourself Joshua", you said pulling your tongue out at him, earning a splash of water to the face.
"THIS IS WAR!" you screamed, hurtling a wave of water towards the two brothers.

You carried on play fighting like children for a good half an hour until you where completely worn out, somehow Danny managed to get dragged into the fight part way through.

Slowly you snook away from the bedlam, the boys however where still 'at war' with one another and didn't notice your escape.

You made your way towards the cascading water fall, swimming underneath it and emerging the other side. You had entered a small cave, littered with rocks that surrounded the lake. You swam forward, the blue reflection of the water making patterns on your skin.
You swam in further and where met by a pair of shorts and a shirt, on top a pair of boots. Jake must be in here.
"Y/n?" Jake's deep voice startled you, you turned around.
Jake stood, bare chested hip deep in water, droplets dripping down his torso, his eyes and cheekbones darkend from the lack of light, and his hair, slicked back so you could see the definition of his face better. The sight itself nearly gave you a nose bleed. You bit your lip in clear frustration.
"Ugh.. oh yer, i-why didnt you join us before, you just disappeared?" You managed to get out, he was making this very hard for you right now.
"I guess I just wanted to find this place and think for a bit.." he was biting his lip which was driving you wild, you could see his eyes wandering down your body and landing on your bikini top, he smirked.
"Emo jake never left I see huh?" You teased wading yourself through the water towards him, you perched yourself on a rock right next to where he was standing.
He looked up at you and smiled, "Sam really missed you yano"
"I know, I missed him too, I missed all of you" you nudged his shoulder and sent him a wink making him chuckle.
"Sooooooo, get yourself a girl recently?" You wiggled your eyebrows at him, you needed to ask,
"Maybe, but I don't know, I think she likes some one else" your heart suddenly felt heavy, well what the fuck did you expect he is jake fucking kiszka for crying out load. You could tell he was staring into your eyes looking for a reaction. But you were not going to give him one.
"I'm sure she would like you jake, just gotta tell her!" You smiled, a false smile mind you. Lucky bastard who ever she is. You started to kick the water with your feet. Jake averted his gaze and let out a sigh. Had you said something wrong?
"What about you?" Jake asked, raising his head and staring at you intensly.
"Me, what?" You blinked at him.
"Do you have someone?" His posture looked almost awkward now, he was biting the inside of his cheek.
"Me! No!" You laughed, "No one ain't cool enough"
Jake laughed at your statement, there was a pause,
"What about sam?" His voice became low, mood fucking swings or what!?
"SAMMY!? You have got to be kidding me, he's literally my brother , ew jake no" you pulled a disgusted face.
"Oh, sorry, I know he is, it's just hes always touching or hugging you so I assumed that he likes you..." Jakes shoulders seemed to relax a bit.
"No no no, me and Sammy have always been like that towards each other, it's probably just weird now since we are older" you chuckled.
Jake nodded His head and smiled. He seemed to liven up a bit.
"Hey come on lets join the others" jake held his hand out for you to take which you grabbed with no hesitaion, he led to back to the water fall , towards your boys.

Okay Sammy pov in next chapter sorry, Josh is such a flirt in this haahhaa btw Josh and y/n Are totally just friends, he's just likes to flatter her... I will be writing more jake and y/n scenes, because Sam had kind of stole her atm lol !

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