chapter 14~ voodoo child

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You woke up to find jake had already left. You sighed getting up, maybe he was mad at you?
You made your way downstairs and grabbed a coffee before joining the boys in the living room. You let out a snort at Josh and Sam who looked dead sprawled out on the couch.
You grabbed Sams legs lifting them up and sitting on the couch next to him, placing his legs on your lap.
"Soooooo.... what's the plans for today?" You asked,
Josh and Sam both groaned making you laugh, jake entered the room his eyes immediately finding you, he looked down at your top, whoops, you forgot to change...
"I guess we could just have a chill day?" Danny said, all the boys nodded in agreement.
"And then y/n has her DATE tonight" he added smirking,
"Its not a date!" You scoffed folding your arms,
"Yer yer okay" he teased,
Sammys head sprung up, "You are going on a date?"
"Then what are you and jake doing later?" He asked clearly confused about the situation.
You where blushing like crazy, you knew he knew of your major crush on jake, and he practiacally just blabbed it too the world.

"I'm not going anywhere with jake, what made you think it was with jake!" you said irritated and a little embarrassed, immediatly regrettting your choice of words.

Jake however, felt his heart break, he bit into his lip and looked down hiding trying to hide his pained expression.

"Woah y/n calm down" Danny laughed at you,
You sighed and then smiled at the boys,
"It's not a 'date' we are just watching a movie, by all means come along!" You actually really hoped they would take up your offer, You really didn't want to be alone with just will and his friends. That would be awkward.
"I'm in!" Sammy said squeezing you, you looked at the others Josh groaned a "yes" making you chuckle, Danny nodded, however jake had remained silent.
"Jake, you coming?" You asked smiling brightly at him.
Your smile alone could wash away any negative feelings he was having.
"Yer, of course" he grinned making you feel a little better knowing he wasn't upset with you.
You jumped up clapping "great! it's 8 pm so be ready!"

You got wills number off of Danny and text him that the boys where coming along. He answered with a "great", so he obviously just wanted you there but you couldn't care less.

The boys promised they would perform for you tommorrow, they would have today, but Josh was way too hungover lmao.

You decided to go home and get washed up it was 2pm already as you woke up late.
When you arrived back, you realize you still had jakes top on, you'll have to give that back later....

It was now 4pm and you where putting on a bit of makeup, you had Jimi Hendrix blasting on Dannys record player. Mid way through voodoo child , you heard a knock on the door, you answered the door to be greated with a very hadsome jake.
"Hey jake" you motioned for him to come in, he stepped through the door turning to face you,
"Jimi?" He asked smirking,
"Obviously" you smiled, God he was so pretty, it took all your strength to not push him against the door and make him yours.
"We have a few hours before we go so I thought we could hang out" he was blushing, you couldn't help but internally scream that you are the reason for that blush.

Jakes pov
Truth is, I Cant stand not being with her. If that "will" guy trys anything on with my girl later I swear he has another thing coming. Why does she have to tease me like this all the time, does she not see what she does to me.
When I woke up this morning she was cuddled up to my side, the sight itself made my heart explode. She was wearing one of my favorite shirts as well, and fuck did she look hot in it. As much as I didn't want to leave the bed the sight of her body pressed against mine made my dick hard, again. Literally no girl has made me this weak in her presence. I couldn't let her see that so I got up and released myself in the shower. I don't know how long I can last apart from her. Even right know, it's taking all my strength not pin her against the wall and have my way with her....

You and jake decided to play some guitar together, he taught you how play voodoo child as it was playing when he arrived.

After that, you decided to have a sock sliding competition. Basically who could slide the furthest in their socks.
"Youre going down kiszka" you smirked,
"Don't be so cocky y/n , no one likes a cocky girl" he said mimicking what you had told him the previous night, you scoffed at him.
"Ready, one, two, three" you both ran and skidded along the corridor that faced the living room.

However you lost your balance and grabbed onto the first thing you could dragging it down with you. Which happened to be jake. You both burst out laughing, jake on top of you, your laughing died down when you realized where jake was looking, at your lips.

Your heart rate began to pick up, was he going to kiss you?

He averted his gaze to your eyes, his eyes where dark and full of lust, You where looking up at him in shock, he flicked his eyes back down to your parted lips and began leaning in, you could feel his warm breath on your mouth, his lips softly brushed yours, his hair was tickling your cheek. he was favouring the moment.

That's when your phone rang and you both sprung apart, you coughed awkwardly and answered the phone, It was Danny, Damn you. Jake stood up, his hands in his pockets staring at you.

"Be there in 5" you put the phone down and looked at jake, your heart was still beating out of your chest.
"We better head over to the boys," you said,
"Oh okay" jake grabbed his shoes putting them on, you followed suit.

The drive to the kiszkas house was silent apart from the radio in the background.

Both of you knew what you wanted, but where unsure of what the other wanted.

Someone had to take action as the tension was driving you insane.

Ooooohhh jake and y/n almost kissedddddd ... Hey all. So I have really bad writers block so I NEED your opionions and help... lmao . also I wanna start my one shot book so please request any ideas you have and if you want your name in it just tell me!

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