chapter 12-jealously and rooftops

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Once you got back into your room, you threw your bag onto your bed to be unpacked later.

You hopped in the shower, did all that necessary girly cleaning shit, and made your way back into the room, head and body wrapped in towels. 'Hmmm what to wear....' you rummaged through the clothes you had brought, something not too revealing, yet you wanted to look nice for, well, yeno jake. You smiled thinking about him. He seemed pretty interested in you, 'but what if he still thinks of me like a sister' , but he did want to be close to me yesterday, and they way he was holding me.... Your thoughts where interrupted by a knock on your door.
"Hey, I'm heading over know the boys need to to make grab some stuff from the store, are you okay making your own way or do you want me to pick you up?" Danny asked from the other side of the door.
"No, it's fine I might take a while to decide what to wear" you laughed back.
"Okay, well make sure it's not too revealing, wouldnt want jake to faint" Danny laughed making his was back down stairs.
"FUCK YOU DANNY" you shouted, hearing a faint "love you too" in the distance, what a moron.
Okay maybe jake is interested? The boys seem to think so...

Finally you picked out an outfit (picture above,) satisfied you applied some makeup, and put on your shoes.
You decided to grab a bite to eat, so made yourself a sandwich,
Your phone lit up,
Danny- hey, we are all set up, the boys have invited loads of people so make your way over whenever, some people have turned up, oh and jakes eager to see you;) it's Danny btw if you where wondering

Y/n-yes ik it's you dumbass, I have all your numbers. And I'll be over in 15, eating a sandwich and tell jake not to wait up;) lol

You smiled, and finish a your food, you didn't bother grabbing a coat as it was still boiling outside, even though the sun was beginning to set. You hopped into your car and made your way to the kiszkas house. You hadn't been there in a while.....

Thankfully you remebered the way and parked the car a little way down the road.
You could hear music coming from the house, people where already dancing about, some faces seemed familiar, others did not, you had a lot of catching up to do.

Once inside, your eyes scanned around for Danny or the boys. However your eyes where only met by guys looking you up and down, you felt a little out of place. You turned around and knocked into someone.
"Hey! Watch-" said the stranger, however stopped when he got a good look at you.
"Y/n? Y/n l/n?!" Said the boy.
"Yes that's me, sorry do I know you?" you smiled at his enthusiasm for remembering you, However felt guilty you did not recognize him.
"It's me, will, from highschool, remember?"
Suddenly you did remember him, he was the first guy you ever had the courage to ask out when you where like 14 years old, (You realized you had no chance with jake at that time) however you also remember him declining your offer... You where so embarrassed you literally never came out your room for a week Sammy had to literally coax you out. Although the past is the past, forgive and forget.
"Omg hi! It's been so long haha" you both leaned in and gave each other a hug.
"Um wow, you have changed a lot since high school," wills eyes scanned you,
"Haha thanks" you blushed at the compliment. But goddamn he was a beautiful boy, he had long jet black hair and the most perfect eyelashes, he was deffinalry over the 6ft mark as he towered over you.
"You have changed a lot your self" you said mimicking him,
"So anyway how have you been?" He asked, both of you made your way to the unoccupied sofa,
"Well as you know I moved away, nothing really special had happened, I just really missed it hear being honest"
"Yer I understand this place may be small but it sure does grow on ya" , both of you stayed in the sofa laughing and catching up for maybe a good 20 minuits until you where rudly interupted.
"Y/N WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!?" a wild and slightly drunk Josh came bounding over to you,
"About 20 mins ago, I just bumped into will " you said giggling at the state he was In.
"WELL WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU WE ARE ALL OUTSIDEEE" Josh grabbed your hand pulling you away, you grabbed wills hand as you weaved you way through the mass of dancing bodies. Since when did the kiszkas know this many people?

You made you way out side still getting dragged by Josh.
Sammys, jake s and Danny's heads all snapped up, looking at you being hauled towards them by Josh.
"I wasn't sneaking around with anyone josh! I bumped into will and we where catching up!" You let go of joshes hand and wills as you realized you where still holding him.

"Hey isn't he the guy who-" Josh started, pointing at Will until Danny hit him in the back of the head.
"Owe what the fuck man, what was that for?!" Josh complained sitting down rubbing his head.
"You need to learn to keep that fucki ng mouth of yours shut." Danny sassed back.
You made your way over to Sammy and jake, both looking at your choice of attire.
"You look ravishing y/n" Sammy teased, "Who are you tryna impress?" He smirked at you,
"Myself obviously" you rolled your eyes placing your self in the middle of Jake and Sam.
Will sat opposite you next to Danny.
"You look beautiful" jake whispered to you, giving you a half smile,
"So do you" you smiled goofily at him, a giggy feeling rising in your stomach.
He laughed at your response.

Will leaned over to a crate of beer and tossed you a bottle, sending you a wink, you blushed thanking him, you felt jake shuffle a little closer to you, sending will a glare.

Sammy noticed jake s obvious jealously and decided to mess with him a little.
"So y/ns changed since school hasnt she will?" Sam asked, jake was glaring at him,
"Hmm, well I mean she always has been stunning," will responded winking at you. You hid your face in your hands, "I am here yeno" you said, the boys all laughed, well except for jake he was fuming.

Jake decided to take action, he stood up asking you to follow him. Sammy sent you a wink turning his attention to a little lady bug that landed on his knee.
You followed jake back through the crowd, and upstairs, he opened a door to a bedroom, you stepped inside, guessing it was his since it had led zepplin and the Beatles posters all other the walls.
"You looked kinda awkward so I thought Id save you" he said, walking over and picking up his guitar.
"Haha thankyou, especially since I got rejected by one of the guys sitting there" you laughed perching your self on his bed.
"Then he's a idiot" you heared jake mumble under his breath, thinking you didn't hear.

He sat down beside you and started to play a tune,
"Is that new?" You asked,
"Oh, uh yer it's not perfect yet"
"I'm sure it will be when its done" you smiled at him as  he continued to play.
"I hate parties" he randomly said.
"Yer me too" you laughed together.
"Wanna go to the roof?" He asked,
You nodded, jakes Window was directly above the roof of the porch, he climbed out fisrt then you followed suit.
You shut the window slightly, and layed down together looking up at the stars.
"It's so beautiful" you whispered.
"Yer" jake agreed, however he was not talking about the stars.
He placed his hands ontop of yours, causing you to smile and look at him. You shuffled closer and rested you head on his shoulder, soaking up his warmth. In that moment you knew you loved him.

Okay the next chapter will carry on from this, I don't know how long I can drag out jake and y/n not officially getting together soooo... smut may be on its way;) let me know what you think and I LOVE SUGGESTIONS I WILL INCORPOTATE ANYTHING YOU GUYS WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE !  Unless it's like jake dieing or some shit lmao

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