chapter 9-imagine

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You and jake emerged out from the cave. His hands found their way to your hips, gripping tight and pushing you straight forward through the water fall. You backed up hitting his chest as the cold water hit your bare skin.
"Jake! Drown me why don't you!" You punched his arm playfully once through.
He gave a mischevious smirk, his body still pressed up against your back.
"That's what you get for making m-" he was cut off by loud ass himself. LET YOUR BROTHER SPEAK GODDAMNIT! Josh was standing at the edge of the lake arms crossed.
"Where the fuck did you two go? You better have used protection or-"
"I just found Gollum here in the cave being all emo by himself, so I thought I'd coax him out" you cut Josh off before he could finish his sentence,
Josh raised his eyebrows at the two of you smirking, "Well okay then, if you say so, just to let you know Danny and Sam are setting up camp, so y/n you can share a tent with me if you want" he blew a kiss at you and bit his lip,
"In your dreams hobbit," you laughed splashing water at him, Josh jumped back,
"Hey! I JUST GOT DRY" he shouted, checking pants for water damage,
"What a fucking drama queen" jake said shaking his head, "We will be out in a sec" he added,
"You better be" Josh pointed at the two of you performing a fake hair flip and walking back through the tree line.

"He is something else" you giggled turning to face jake who was staring at you smiling, he was looking at you the way a child looks at an unwrapped present, hopful and ready to unveil its contents.
"Hmm.. oh-uh yer he is, try being his twin brother" he laughed.
"God I couldn't imagine" you smiled at him taking in his beautiful face. Somehow you had managed to get closer to jake, one of his hands still resting on your hip. Suddenly You felt his hips graze yours waking you up from your daze. You pushed away from him, cheeks red, "yer, we should probably get back to the others, I'm starting to prune" you said inspecting your hands awkwadly laughing. Jake laughed along with you, but his head was down, eyes on the water, almost looking disappointed. Or that was you just flattering yourself... You made your way over to the edge of the water, and lifted yourself out, jake followed suit. You quickly towel dryed your legs and pulled your shorts on, keeping your top off to let the sun dry the rest of your body.
"Jake, ? How on earth did you get your dry clothes into the cave?" You asked clearly dumbfounded, remembering you seen his neatly piled clothes in the cave.
"There's a back enterance the other side" he said, "I'm going to go get my stuff, I'll meet you at camp in a min" and with that me started to walk away, you couldnt resist a quick glance at his backside, what can you say, the man's peachy.

Jakes pov
He made his way back into the cave to grab his stuff, 'so close' he thought, he nearly had her, fucking Josh always ruining the moment.
Yet she pulled away, maybe she really doesn't like me in that way... Or was I too hands on, i mean Sam touches her all the time... he couldnt resist though, the sight of her in only a bikini made his knees weak. and she was wearing his favourite colours. Fucking tease. Did she know what she was doing to him? Every time He was near her he would go through a wave of emotions, he probably looks bipolar.
Sam kissing and holding her early really set him off, he could of punched his brother, but he knew better. They are best friends after all right? That's what she said, he just hoped Sam knew that too. He just badly fucking wants her, she is too innocent and naive to understand what shes doing to him. Making him feel...physically and emotionally.
Jake felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, once he picked up his clothes he looked down and become rigid. How hadn't he noticed? He went pale, did she notice? That would be embarrassing. It probably happened when she pressed her ass up against me he thought. Fuck. Well I can't go back like this, it was slightly painfull. He sighed and set him self on a rock, not bothering to look around as no one would be in hear anyway.


Jake bit into his lip, pulling his shorts down a little to expose his pulsating member. Images of y/n flashed through his mind, from her lips, to her innocent eyes. He grabbed his hard cock and started to stroke it, sighing in content. Then his mind started to wonder, images of y/ns body, her beautiful chest, the curvature of her hips, then down to her smooth legs. He let out a moan, thinking of how her legs would feel wrapped around his waist as he slid him self in and out of her probably very tight hole. He was close. He imagined his hand replaced by her small one, how she would look up at him through her innocent eyes as he pushed his cock down her throat. He started to moan her name. Beautiful. That sent him over the edge, with one last stoke his cum squirted out of his now limp member and onto his legs, letting out one last groan of pleasure. He used the water from the lake to clean him self up then quickly dressed him self, making his way back to the others. How he is going to resist him self around her now after that he does not know.

Sammys pov
Y/n and jake had been missing a while. He smirked, he always knew of her crush on his older brother, it was just funny that she still does even now. Yes, it was obvious, she would always sneak a glance at jake every once in a while. Sam picked up on these things about her.
She was terrible at hiding her feelings, she always had been.
What was even funnier to Sam was jake. Who too, clearly was head over heels for his best friend, yet was too much of a pussy to do anything about it. Sam could see jake s blood almost boil every time he held y/n, even though Sam was a VERY affectionate person, especially towards his best friend, jake still took it way to seriously, but hey, it's fun to see his brother struggle. Sam loved y/n with all his heart, he would do anything for her, and yes maybe he did have the BIGGEST crush on her for a year straight when they where 15, however them feelings had disappeared once he realized it was probably his hormones talking. Y/n to him was like a sister, and he didn't want anything to change between them ever.
But maybe he could become the catayst to jake and y/ns very clear sexual tension. He smirked to him self. Maybe little Sammy, ain't so innocent after all ....

Y/ns pov
Once back at the camp spot, you where greeted four perfectly set up tents, and a fire pit in the middle. You where astonished, the boys actually knew how to set up tents without injuring themselves. "Sammy!" You called,
"Hey missy, where have you been?" Sam came bounding up too you,
"Oh, just with jake, he should be here in a min" you blushed thinking of the long haired emo (lol).
"Uh-huh, well you need to decide who's tent you want to share, but first you gotta help us light this fire, I simply cannot do it"
You laughed at Sam's sad expression as he exclaimed how he was victimized by the matches. Ruffling his hair you made you way to the fire pit and in less than a minute the fire was roaring away.
"Adventure extrodanire y/n l/n at your service" you saluted, Bowing as you heard a chorus of claps come from Danny and Josh.
The sun was starting to set, Danny was cooking food on the open fire and Josh pulled out the beer from the mini cooler,
"Heads up" he tossed you one which you opened and chugged down almost immediately,
"Whoa, slow down, don't wanna you conked out before the nights even started" you turned around to see a glowing jake, he looked refreshed.
"If living in the city taught me one thing, it's how to hold down my alcohol" you giggled,
Sammy looked at you sadly, he knew how much you hated it there.
Jake took a seat next too you, leaning his leg on yours, what's with him suddenly wanting to be close to me?
Your thoughts where interrupted by Danny, "foods ready" he said, you grabbed your plate and Wolfed it down, feeling very satisfied, "this is so good" you complimented, the boys all nodding in approval at Danny's culinary expertise.

When you had all finished eating Josh pulled out his speaker and started playing joni Mitchell, he knew she was your favorite, and shot you a wink, you rolled your eyes at him playfully.

The five of you sat around the crackling fire, watching the sun descend into the red and purple sky. Sammy shuffled closer to you and sat behind you on your blanket, you moved so you where in between his legs and layed your back up against his chest for support. His heart beat was slow, causing you to relax into him.
You could get used to this, surrounded by your beautiful friends.

!!!!!Okay this one is a bit longer and we got a real insight into how jake and Sammy really feel! Sammy has a plan, but will it push jake futher away from you or pull him in? Dun dunn dunnnnn tell me if there is anything you want to see more of ! And again sorry for any grammar mistakes I'm going to be checking through each chapter to fix them xxxxx

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