Chapter two

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Harry was six now, and he couldn't wait to be sent to his cupboard for the night, with or without food. Tom had helped him a lot in realising who he was. And Harry new as much about Hogwarts and magic as one could without actually seeing it.

The diary, Tom, explained everything, from blood supremacists to the last wizarding war, which both sides were explained. Before Tom told Harry about his parents or his part in the war he asked the boy one very important question:

Who's side would you be on?

Harry had took in his options, and ultimately decided he'd like to work alongside Lord Voldemort, but had no wish to become a Death Eater. That when Tom told his with slight relief he was on the Dark side, too. And in fact the one and only Voldemort. 

The man had also acquired the boys last name and then went on to explain how his parents actually died and what happened. Harry wasn't sure whether he wanted to talk to Tom after that, but the man promised as long as Harry didn't end up becoming Dumbledore's pawn, he wouldn't try to kill him. 

Harry was okay with that. And then, not shortly after that's when Harry started asking about the Dark Arts and if Tom would teach him about them. But Tom didn't want to corrupt the boy, at least not yet. Sometimes it was hard for the man, or diary, to remember that Harry was only six. But he had matured so much, and he would stand up for himself, hit the bullies back and do as he was told, but not let the Dursley's push him about. 

Tom was enraged when one night Harry was in so much pain that Tom could feel it. He had politely forced the boy to tell him, and that's when he told him how to control his accidental magic, and how to stand up for himself the muggle way.

Everything was well, and each night Tom asked him what happened that day,

Hi Tom!

Hello Harry, how was your day?

It was okay, Uncle Vernon had a day off and made me and Dudley go outside (So he could spend some time with Aunt Petunia) and Dudley and all his friends chased me.

What did you do about that, hm? Did you let them better you?

No Tom, I do listen to you, you know.

Good Boy. What did you do to make them stop? 

I didn't run too far, I got bored and stopped. They got bored pretty quickly and left, but when we got back Uncle Vernon was mad I didn't let Dudley "play" with me. 

What did your Uncle do, Harry?

He hit me and told me I was a freak. But I didn't even wince. I'm getting better, aren't I Tom?

Yes you are, my child. When will you fight back?

When you're back to get me out of here.

Not until your Hogwarts years then?

I suppose.

Now please teach me about Dark Magic? Please?

No, you are far too young.


Done! the italics are still glitching fngnahknqeoiathnqoithnorqi

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