Chapter Fifty Five

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A week had passed and the students were finally coming back to Hogwarts, so Percy had walked Harry down to where the carriages were unboarding, to meet Draco and Kode.

As soon as they were located, the four were going to head back to the castle, however Harry did notice a little chubby blonde boy, looking slightly lost.

"Who's that?" Harry asked, he definitely recognised him; he just couldn't remember his name.

Karkoden turned to where he was looking, after giving Percy a hug, "Oh! That's Neville. He's the other boy you mentioned, remember?"

Harry's eyes lit up and he nodded, plastering a smile on his face. He skipped over towards Neville, "Hi!"

Neville notably jumped, and stuttered out a reply, brushing hair from his forehead.

"Are you okay? You look a little lost." The concern was very clear in his tone, and the boy slightly shook his head.

"I've lost my toad, Trevor. I don't think he likes being my pet." He sniffled, and Harry pulled out his wand, whispering an incantation. The toad came whizzing towards them.

"Here he is!" Harry exclaimed, handing him over. "Would you like to be my friend?"

Neville nodded, and Harry grabbed his wrist and skipped back over the the other three boys.

"Hi guys!" He grinned, "this is my new friend Neville, and his toad Trevor. Neville, you might know Percy, but this is Karkoden and Draco. They're my other friends."

Neville looked up at Karkoden, and nodded, "It's nice to meet you all."

After introductions, Percy ushered everyone back to the castle. Neville and Harry wandered off, with a warning glare from the oldest.

Draco and Karkoden both grabbed on to Percy and walked towards the dungeons, presumably to talk about their time at Malfoy Manor.

"So how was it?" The ginger boy asked, knocking and walking in to Severus' rooms. The man was currently patrolling, but Percy was awfully polite.

"Oh Perce it was amazing. There was enough food for everyone, and we got presents!" Kode started blabbering, "Oh! And Uncle Lucius let me help him set up my mum's new room for when she gets back, so she can get better."

Percy couldn't help but smile; he loved the childish joy that filled the young boy.

"So what did you two get for Christmas, then?"

"I got a new chess board! And a really nice blanket, and some books that are easier to read. And a new wand, and clothes, and everything!"

"Oh, I got lots of toys for little time, and I got new clothes. I got a new broom too! So did Kode and Ginny."

Both boys were grinning, and Percy finally asked about his little sister.

"So, how is Ginny?"

"She's okay, still a bit shocked n upset. Auntie Cissa helps her a lot though. She got some really pretty dresses and stuff for Christmas. I don't think she's ever been so happy in her life!"

Draco nodded along, "Mum thinks she's gonna be a regressor like me."

"She does?" Percy asked, one eyebrow raised. "That sounds quite lovely. Get the childhood she never had,"

Both boys nodded again, "She's gonna be our baby sister!"

"Our?" Percy questioned; the blonde boy had surprised him with the statement.

"Yeah. Your guys mum is going on trial with Dumbledore in a few days, and dad has built a case against her, so he think she'll be going away for a very long time. Ginny wants to be adopted by us if that happens. So she'd be both our sister! And they said you could be adopted too, but it is up to you."

Percy nodded, a sad smile. "Well I'll make sure to tell them thank you. Is there any word from my older brothers?"

Karkoden had pulled some chocolate from his pocket and was nibbling away, partially blocking out the conversation.

"Sort of. Charlie said he's gonna come down, for the twins, but Bill hasn't replied yet. They think he has something to do with the abuse so they're going to forcibly bring him down either way. Charlie is going on trial too. Dad is gonna send you a letter cause you may have to speak as well."

"That's understandable. Now, it's nearly dinner time. What do you say we see where Harry and Neville have gotten to, hm? Also, Karkoden you are going to be resorted by Professor Snape."

The boy nodded, and all three set out to find their friends.

Next chapter will be Harrys day I think :)

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