Chapter twenty-seven

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Harry woke up, at six am sharp, to a wetness pressed against his thigh. He simply sat up, and gently shook Draco awake so he could get him into the shower, ready for the day. He called for a house else to sort the bed, and found a pouting Draco on the bathroom floor still in his wet pyjamas. Harry stripped both of them and then got into the shower himself, leaving a naked Draco on the bathroom floor.

After showering he tied a towel around his waist and all but dragged Draco into the shower, letting the water spray onto him, his tears getting mixed in. Harry washed him gently, humming softly. Soon enough they were clean and Harry got Draco and himself dry and dressed, ready for classes.

Draco, now a little less upset than earlier, decided that it was his absolute right to sit in Harry's lap and loudly whine when he got to engrossed in his book and stopped petting his head. Harry found it cute, and continued the petting and reading.

When Severus found them, in his annual morning check, he almost smiled.
Have this teeny bit of fluff that is barely a chapter because I might not be able to update until November next :)

I'll try get at least three updates out in November because December is an extremely busy month for me (I swear to god, even my sleeping schedule gets cut short most of the time) but again I'm a really crappy author, but I promise to try, I just have a lot going on all the time. But as soon as the new year hits expect (semi) regular updates! I plan on this book being decently sized.

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