3 - road trip

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I thought I would've fallen asleep during the ride but not even for a second did my eyes shut close. However this wasn't the case for the boy next to me. Jungkook didn't talk as much as Jimin did the whole car ride and instead he was fiddling around with the computer he had before he went into deep sleep. I couldn't stop looking at the boy who was peacefully sleeping beside me because nothing about it was peaceful to me. Whenever Jimin wasn't talking to me about something, I found myself either staring at Jungkook or trying to delete the old memories I've had of Jungkook in the past. Our past together wasn't like any other teenage life and sometimes I wished I could get rid of the whole experience altogether. But that story wasn't something to talk about now, not yet.

"Soojin, didn't you go to Canada for some school thing?" Jimin questions me as we both try to occupy each other on the long ride to the city.

"Yeah, I went to learn English and French." I inform him.

"Ahhh, how long did you stay there?" Jimin asks me.

I reply, " 2 years. I'm not that great at french but I caught onto the English quite fast."

"You can give us English lessons then! I'm tired of using apps on my phone to learn English. Plus, I feel bad for Namjoon hyung." Jimin informs as he looks at Seokjin.

"Maybe Soo can do something related to translating, what do you say?" Jin says as he keeps his gaze focused on the road ahead.

"I mean that's not a terrible idea." I acknowledge as I shuffle through my bag to see if I had any snacks to eat.

"Wait, didn't you use to help hyung how to dance?" Jimin suddenly says with excitement. My hand freezes as I look at Jimin with wide eyes.

"That was a while ago." I say lowly as I continue to look through my bag and finally feel a box of Pocky sticks.

"Didn't you participate in a fundraiser dance last month?" Jin notes.

"Uh, I only did that because my friend insisted on me doing it with him." I say as I try not to make a big deal of the whole dancing thing.

"Friend as in that guy?" Jin says a little bitterly.

"Yes that guy." I roll my eyes

Jimin smirks, "OoOoOO, what guy?"

"Jimin check my messages, I think my mom sent me a video of the dance." Jin says as he gestures to his phone in his pocket.

"No, you don't have it." I inform him as I reach out to take the phone before Jimin could grab it but it was too late. The phone was already in Jimin's grasp and it was destined that I was going to be embarrassed.

"I do have it. I think I showed it to one of the managers. You were wearing that purple dress, right?" Jin says as he purposely tries to make me mad. I yet again try and attempt to grab the phone out of Jimin's hand but he moves his hand further away from me, out of my reach.

I decide to accept my fate as I slump back into my seat in defeat. I pull my hood over my head and decide to ignore Jin and Jimin by looking out the window. I hadn't noticed this before but the sun was fully out now and by all the houses and the buildings, I could tell we were finally in the capital city. The city was beautiful and it had been a while since I had visited this place. The sun was gleaming through the several buildings and the various red and yellow hues glittered along the glass windows of the buildings.

"OMG! Since when did you know how to do contemporary?" Jimin booms out of nowhere. I shut my eyes immediately and cover my face trying hide from my embarrassment.

"She used to take classes when she was young but she stopped after finding interest in acting." Jin informs.

"Acting?" I look over to Jungkook who was now awake. His eyes are squinted and his eyebrows are scrunched up as he looks at Jimin and then me.

"She's doing very low key modelling stuff right now, though. What can I say, the beauty runs in the family." Jin smiles cockily as he runs a hand through his hair. I internally cringe at the site but Jimin ends up giggling out loud.

"How long have you been modelling for?" Jungkook asks as he takes his cap off to reveal his hair.

"U-uhm, I've been modelling with my friend at his dad's company for the past 3 months." I tell them.

Jungkook nods his head as he fits the cap back onto his head, "Is that the friend?" Jungkook points to Jimin and I already know who he was talking about. I could feel the warmth over my cheeks grow hotter at the thought that my brother's friends were watching my one and hopefully only dance video.

"Yes and please turn that off." I say as I reach over to grab the phone from Jimin's hand and successfully take the phone out of his grasp.

"HEY! I WAS WATCHING!" Jimin yelps with an offended expression on his face.

"And now you aren't." I shut off Jin's phone and keep it in my hand for safe keeping.

"You dance so well though." Jimin protests.

I roll my eyes, "No I don't."

"You dance pretty well for an actor." Jungkook speaks up.

"WE'RE HOME!" Jin exclaims as he drives to the parking lot of the gated houses. I didn't even realize that we were already at the house since it felt like just a few seconds ago we were entering the city. I knew they lived in an apartment like community but from what I could tell, each apartment seemed to have massive houses.

There was no doubt in the fact that they cost more than my actual existence but I'm not complaining. Jin parks the car in their private areas and we finally get to go into a more comfortable place.

"Alright, I'll bring Soojin's suitcase, you guys can go up and show her around." Jin says as he gets out of the van.

"Sure, let's go Soojin." Jimin smiles as he get out the car. I quickly grab all my belongings and shove it into my bag. Jungkook watches me until I zip up my bag and he announces,

"C'mon, roommate."

Well well well...JK out here being roommates an all aye? ANYWAYS i hope yall enjoyed!!!

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