7 - inhala exhala

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When we finally get home, I immediately rush to my room. I needed some alone time after what happened between Jimin and I. Thank god I snapped out of it fast enough, or else I would've been stupid enough to actually kiss a boy I had only met yesterday. Once I reach my room, I check to see if Jungkook is still inside but luckily he isn't. Immediately I run to my bed and stuff my face into the pillows while I curse at myself for my actions.

"why'd you look at him like that? are you stupid or something? and then you looked at his goddamn lips...his soft, plump--no. NO. STOP. okay, let me calm down. inhala, exhala."  I get up and take in a deep breath.

*knock knock*

The door creeps open and I see Seokjin's head pop out through the small crack. He reports, "We're going to head out now. We'll be home late so you can either eat the left overs or buy some food somewhere. If you do go out, text me. Also mom wants you to call her."

I nod my head and ask, "Will you be asking them for a job for me?"

Jin lips form a thin smile and he slightly nods his head. "Alright, I'll see you later if you're still awake. Take care and eat well."

And from there Jin is gone. Once the house is empty, I call my mom. We talk about my grandma and she asks how it is to be with Jin. I tell her most of the brief information like how I sleep in the guest room and that Jin makes me food but I keep out the fact that Jungkook and I are basically sleeping together....or else all hell will break loose. After finally being satisfied in our conversation, she ends the call, allowing me to immerse myself in a good book.

By the time I finish reading the book, it was already dark outside. I place the book on my bed and look over to my phone on the side table. It was already 7: 15 pm and there were about 8 messages from Jin asking if I had eaten already. I smile to myself by his concern and reply to him saying that I was only going out now to get something to eat.

From there, I look up the closest ramen shop and decide to head out to get myself some food. I end up wearing Jungkook's sweater that Jin had given to me this morning and I take the black mask my mom gave me as I leave the house. After locking the door to the house, I begin to follow the GPS on my phone to the ramen shop. It was about a 25 minute walk to the shop and I was glad I was wearing
the thick sweater in the cold night. As I come closer to the ramen shop, I notice all the different stores surrounding and I begin to contemplate whether I wanted to go to the ramen store or if I wanted to go to the coffee shop right across from it.

After standing at the streetlight for about 3 minutes I finally decide to go to the coffee shop instead. When I enter the shop, the sweet smell of roasted coffee beans fuels my body and I'm glad I decided to come here. I order myself my usual black coffee and some pastries on the side. It wasn't a proper dinner but I could survive off of it for one night. After I get my food, I find a table near the window and simply admire the busy streets of the night.

*ringgggg ringgggg*

I look down to my phone and find my best friend face-timing me. I quickly pull out my headphones from my pocket and stick it into the phone before answering the call. I see my best friend in the screen before me. She has a concerned look on her face and I could tell that something was up.

"What's wrong, Jieun?" I ask worried.

She sighs and then speaks up, "Why is your boyfriend knocking on my door?"

I look at her with furrowed eyebrows since I have no idea who she's talking about, "I have a boyfriend?"

"Uh, yes. That Kai or Tai dude that you model with. He keeps ringing the bell and knocking on the door...and he's been doing that for the past 5 minutes." She informs as she looks at something in front of me. "Here look, that's him right?"

She flips the camera and I can see her front driveway. I catch a glimpse of someone at her front door and by the color of his hair and style of his outfit, I could tell it was him.

"First of all, not my boyfriend. Second of all, why don't you just go answer the door to find out why he's here? It must be something important if he's desperate to talk to you." I question her.

My friend flips the camera back to herself. I could tell she was uncomfortable by the idea but she shrugs , "Fine but stay on call. If anything happens, call the cops. "

"Nothing will happen, dufus." I giggle and then the camera starts to move. I decided to stay quiet as I listen to what's going on. When I hear the door open,  Kai immediately sighs.

"I thought you'd never open." Kai says with releif.

"What do you want?" My friend questions more straightforward.

"Oh wow, that's not a nice way to greet your best friend's future boyfriend is it." Kai says and I turn up the volume to my phone to see if I was hearing that right. I was Jieun's only best friend but there was no chance he could be referring to me...right?

"It's funny that you think she'll want you to be her boyfriend." Jieun snaps back and suddenly I'm proud to have her by my side.

"She will after I steal her heart with a little party I have planned, which is also why I'm here." Kai informs.

"What party?" Jieun asks. The camera shifts and now I can see a glimpse of Kai's lower body which makes me assume Jieun has her hands crossed over her chest.

"I've already mentioned it to her before but we're all planning to have a get together in Seoul. I got a big gig for Soojin and I and, I'm going to be telling her about it then. Although I'm inviting a few of my friends, it wouldn't be right if her best friend weren't there." Kai explains.

"You want me to come with you guys to Seoul?" Jieun asks.

"If you don't mind." Kai says.

Jieun is quiet for a while but then she finally speaks up ,"Fine, I'll come but I'm not staying there long."

"Fair enough." And soon the door shuts close and Jieun's face appears on the screen again.

"What the hell was that?" I ask in confusion but somehow the whole situation cracks me up. My friend ends up laughing with me and shrugs.

"I guess I'm coming to see you in a few days." she announced.

"I guess you are." I say with a smile.

She then rolls her eyes, "And please tell me you will never date that jerk."

I chuckle as I stuff my mouth with the chocolate tart I bought, "Why do you hate him so much?"

"I just...URGH he's just so full of himself. Just don't date him, pleASE!"

"I don't think I'd ever want to...no matter what he has planned for me." I say.

She sighs in relief, "Also, does this mean I get to see your brother when I come?"

She's smirks into the camera and I roll my eyes, "I should've never kept that picture of him in my room."

"I didn't even get to see his face though! WHY CAN'T I JUST SEE YOUR CUTE BROTHERS? URGH."

I stuff the rest of the tart into my mouth as I listen to her cutely complaining about how I should be showing her how my brothers look so she can drool over them but we both knew, I would never let that happen.

"Jieun, you know well that I can't show you." I explain to her. She sighs in defeat and nods her head. "But what I can do is tell you that I almost kissed one of my brother's friend."

"WHAT?!!? WAS HE CUTE? WAS HE HOT? OMG DO YOU LIVE WITH HIM? HOLY GUACAMOLE! DRAMMMAAAA!!!" I try my best not to burst out laughing in the middle of the coffee shop which is why I decide to leave. Jieun fires several questions at me as I get up from my seat and start heading out  into the dark night.

"Calm down. Just inhala-"

"and exhala, I got it." she completes. I hear her take in deep breaths as she collects herself,

"Now, spill."


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