19 - promise

17 5 4

I lay in bed silently since it was the only activity I could initiate my body to do at this point. Jungkook and the boys had left to the studio earlier today as they usually do and I was left home alone, yet again. I stare at the ceiling with no specific thoughts roaming through my mind and momentarily my phone begins to ring. I sit up and grab the smart device from the night stand and mentally read the unfamiliar number displayed on the screen. My finger hesitate over the answer button since the combinations of numbers were not familiar to me but I finally click it after waiting long enough.

"Hello?" I speak with a clear curiosity.

"Hey, Soojin. It's Jimin. Seokjin is in a meeting right now so he told me to call you if he doesn't make it out by lunch time."

"Ahhhh. He gave you my number?" I question

Jimin chuckles, "Yeah. He's been very cautious about your safety after last night so he gave everyone your number. Anyways, have you eaten? Are you feeling better now?"

In the short amount of time I've gotten to know Jimin, I realized that he has a kind heart that worries more about the wellbeing of others rather than itself. I wonder if he ever has time to think about himself since he's always trying to help the people around him. Jimin took control of the situation and made sure nobody got hurt making it a family friendly conflict. It was obvious he cares for everyone, no matter who they were and where they came from. It seems like he was just born like that.

"Soojin? Are you there?"

"Oh, I feel a little better now, yeah. I was about to check what was in the refrigerator."

"There's leftovers as usual but I wanted to buy something else to eat. I've finished my meetings for now but not everyone is free as of yet and I don't have anyone to eat with either so..."

I smile to myself, "If it isn't a hassle for you, I'd enjoy having your company."

The smile on Jimin's face was clearly audible through the phone, "You're never a hassle to me, sunshine. I'll be there in 30."

"Okay. See ya." And with that I end the call. I place the phone back on the nightstand and fall back into bed except this time, my mind was racing with thoughts.

Is he really going to come? Alone? With me? Is he really taking time out of his break just to eat lunch with me? Should I change my clothes? Maybe even brush again? Is the house clean? Why am I even worrying about that, this is technically his house. Should I at least set the plates? Okay, I need to change...within 3o mins...GO GO GO.

I hop out of bed with a surge of excitement driving each limb of my body. I swipe through the clothes in the closet and decide on wearing some ripped jeans and plaid. Quickly getting changed, I pretty my face up with some makeup before heading to the kitchen to set up the plates. Not long after, the doorbell rings signifying the presence of the very hungry Jimin.

"I'm here with some good ol' pizza!" Jimin shouts from the now open door. Turning over to the entrance, I see a smiling Jimin with a pizza box in his hand.

"Well hello stranger." I say smiling back. His smile grows even bigger and I begin to wonder how he can see with his small eyes drowning in his colossal smile.

"You seem happy to see me, does the loneliness really hit you in here?" Jimin asks as he takes a seat at the table whilst opening the pizza box, "You can always come over to the company if you do get lonely. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you hanging around."

"Hmm. I guess I could pop by if I ever get that lonely." I note down as I occupy the seat next to him. I grab a pizza slice and take a bite of the savoury junk, allowing the flavours to diffuse into my each of my taste buds. My eyes roll back in satisfaction, Why did pizza never tasted this good until today?

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