17 - the one

22 9 2

The ride was silent.

Jungkook was next to me in the back seat while the driver was taking us both to the park where Kai is to be meeting me. It wasn't a long ride to the park but with Jungkook beside me, it felt hours longer. After I had told him about my situation back at home and after shedding a few tears in frustration, Jungkook didn't seem to be bothered in any way by my odd behaviour. Although he did laugh at me for telling Kai I was with a guy named "Seagull" and that Kai was stupid enough to actually fall for it, he didn't judge any further than that. In fact, he offered to help me "clear things out" which was why he had rushed me to eat and decided to come with me as I would meet with Kai.

"You know the plan right?" Jungkook asks as he turns to look at me. I nod my head without saying a word because this situation seemed all too familiar. Deja vu tickles the depths of my mind as I watch Jungkook look out the window in anticipation. I didn't know what exactly he was anticipating but his unique eyes were always in search for something new. I remember when he was still a trainee, we used to call him a baby since he was the youngest of the group and also since he acts like one without even trying but I learned that he was much more than that, especially now.

He's a beautiful, independent man now, with glimmering sharp eyes and a gorgeously structured jaw. His once enormous ears had now grown into his aligned facial structure and his perfected eyebrows peeked through the small gaps of his parted hair. His love-band appear as flower pots, holding the most vibrant, flowering eyes which always has me so drawn to him even from the start. His eyes gave his childish persona but everything else would say otherwise. His body, his hair, his posture, his attitude, his lips.

I had been trying to avoid looking at his lips because of the memories linked with them that I've trapped in the depths of my mind. Although it's noticeable that his slim upper lip curls up sometimes and his lower lip twitches to the right as he speaks quiet words, it was the feeling of it which was haunting me. They appeared a vivid tint of a rouge pink and the more I looked at them, the more I could imagine the perspiring blood pumping through them and how warm they would feel against mine...

Stop it! You're starring!

My eyes dart away from him as I realized my 1 second glance had turned to about a 30 seconds stare but luckily he was too immersed in the view of the walking pedestrians by the twinkling lake of the summer afternoon to even notice me watching.

My face heats up anyways, not because of embarrassment but because I was flustered by all the thoughts and emotions that have been involuntarily flushing into me the past few days. Especially emotions which I believed I had overcome years ago but this only proved I had never really dealt with my past yet but instead suppressed it until another time. Yet I couldn't let this get the best of me, Jungkook was Jin's friend and basically his other brother. Jungkook was my past lover, my first one and the only one I ever had. He's already taken too much from me and I can't let him take away any more.

(Jungkook POV)

She was starring at me.

I mean I didn't mind being looked at as many people tend to do that when you're an idol but something about her eyes upon me was intimidating. She had control over me and it was something she's been doing ever since we reunited. Soojin seemed like a completely different person now and I had no idea how to act around her most of the time. She was just an innocent little butterfly the last I remember but now she had the energy of an eagle alone. She stood smart, dressed in a way that displayed her superiority and is unforgettably one of the most stunning people to look at visually. Her features weren't all perfect but the imperfections were what made her perfect. Every part of her was meant to be the way it was made to be and that was alone something to admire.

It was true that the beauty ran in her family but what truly made her the most beautiful was the fact that she was just as human as anyone else. After witnessing the vulnerability she was trapping inside herself yesterday, it made me realize she was still wearing the same, stupid mask I had tried months to uncover from her in the past but this was a different mask she was bearing on her shoulders. One in which I wasn't familiar with as of yet but which I was already bound to find out about soon. After sacrificing all of which I had left in order to heal this damaged girl I had given away with no harm, she wasn't leaving me without a cure in her hands. She was my first for everything and she wasn't going to be the one I couldn't save.

After a few more minutes of awkward silence in the car, the vehicle finally came to a halt at a children's playground near the local apartment of the small nearby town. I look around the surroundings to see if this so called Kai dude was anywhere in sight and there I find a faint figure sitting on a swing with a phone in hand which I assume is him.

"Stay here for now. I'll go talk to him." She speaks as she pulls her small handbag over her shoulders.

"What about the plan we had?" I asked.

She sighed out loud while looking me down, "The plan doesn't need to happen if this goes well. I just don't want history to repeat itself."

And with those words she hastily exits the car and nearly jogs to the male figure. I watch as Kai brings her into a tight hug while speaking words of worry to Soojin and Soojin desperately trying to keep up with him. I feel a sudden tingling in my chest as her final words to me continue to echo through my mind.

I want history to repeat itself, it would be the only way....

If I have the chance to get her back or at least make her life a little more easier to live even in the slightest of ways, I'd take every chance I get. She may be an eagle preying me down in blindness but she doesn't know I live in the dark pits as an anticipating panther,

she won't be expecting me....not at all.

This was an informative chapter briefly talking about jk's and soojin's past which was absolutely necessary in order to discover Jungkook's motives (if you were able to follow along my very odd plot). Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed!!☕️

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