6 - sunshine

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"He has a girlfriend?" I question with shock. I don't understand why I'm shocked in the first place since it would make sense for a man like him to have a girlfriend.

"Yeah, she isn't the brightest either. If you ask me, I don't even know why he's still with that girl. I swear she's insane."

I look at him somewhat concerned, "She's that bad?"

"You'll see when you meet her. She comes over sometimes which means you might bump into her." Jimin remarked.

"I'm scared now." I chuckle nervously as I watch Taehyung and Hoseok taking selfies just ahead of us.

"Don't worry about her too much...as long as you don't piss her off. You get used to her after a while." Jimin giggles.


"HEY! NO, ME!"


And before I knew it, all three of the boys had abandoned me to see who can get to the swings first at the park in the distance. I laugh as I watch the boys sprinting towards the swings as if their life depended on it. Jimin caught up to the two of the boys quite quickly but he was running so fast that he couldn't stop fast enough to get a hold of the swings. Instead Hoseok and Taehyung snatch the swings before Jimin could take it back again. I jog over to the boys and find them all laughing at Jimin who is now curled up in a little ball of defeat.

I can't help myself from laughing at Jimin's cute actions. Jimin finally comes out of his ball of defeat and instead has a dreadful pout on his face. He looks at Taehyung and Hoseok with furrowed eyebrows and sad eyes before turning to me. I know I should be laughing at his attempt of making the others feel bad for him but for some reason I felt sorry for him.

"Hey, stop doing that face, your making me feel bad even though I did nothing wrong." I say as I slap his shoulder but he continues to show me his sad puppy face.

I roll my eyes because I know I've already given in to do anything that would cheer him up. I look around the park and spot exactly what I was hoping to see.

I sigh loudly, "I can't believe I'm doing this but let's go."

"Go where?" Taehyung asks as he joyfully swings on the swing.

"I'm gonna get this baby some ice cream to cheer him up." I say as I point to Jimin and almost immediately Jimin's eyes scrunch up into a line and his smile extends to both ends of his face.

"Hey! I want some too." Taehyung says.

I huff out loud since I feel like a mother with her 3 young children, "You guys can only choose one flavor."

Hoseok beams, "I want....vanilla!"

"I want strawberry!" Taehyung cheers with a box smile filling his face. I can't help myself from smiling at their radiating energy and from there Jimin and I begin to walk to the small ice cream shop across from the park.

"I'm surprised you gave in so quickly." Jimin says as he walks beside me cheerfully.

I  shrug, "You looked miserable, I had to help."

Jimin smiles at me which makes my heart skip beats but I immediately look away intimidated by his subtle action. Instead I stay focused on what's in front of me, ignoring the odd sensation I just felt inside my cold, stone heart.

I open the door to the small shop and the sweet smell of vanilla and baked goods fill up my senses. We spot an elder lady behind the counter smiling at us as we enter into the store.

"Welcome! What can I help you lovelies with?" she greets us.

I look to Jimin as I say, "You can get whatever you want. Don't worry about the money because its on me."

"Wow, you really did fall for it." Jimin sound genuinely worried by that for some reason but in an instant his worry turns into a scheming smirk, "I know your weakness now."

I roll my eyes and think, he sure does.

We both start to order whatever we want, including the ones that Taehyung and Hoseok asked for. Jimin ordered 3 different flavors with almost every topping except the chopped mangoes while I simply decided to get some vanilla ice cream like Hoseok. After getting all that we wanted, Jimin and I head back to the park to meet with Taehyung and Hoseok. When we both reach the park, we find Taehyung and Hoseok snapping some pictures of each other. As we head closer, Taehyung notices us and begins to cheer when he sees the ice cream in our hands.

"Today's been a good day." Taehyung notes as he takes his strawberry ice cream out of my hand. Almost immediately he stuffs his mouth with the cold dessert.

Hoseok speaks up with his vanilla ice cream in his hand, "Let's head back now. If we get home now, we can make it in time to go to the shoot."

"Alright let's go." Jimin agrees and then we start to head back to the dorm. We walk back home just as we did before except this time it was quiet. Taehyung and Hoseok were too immersed in their ice cream to start a conversation and so was Jimin. However, it was nice to take in the beautiful town in silence. The sun was shining now and the once breezy air was disappearing. The birds were chirping within the tall green trees surrounding us and the musical sounds of the nature was soothing to my mind. I was never the type of person to enjoy the nature and that was because I never really gave it a chance to prove itself. I was always so caught up in staying at home, watching dramas or texting friends that I never really got to admire the beauty that is always here around me. I look up at the blue sky and I can't help myself from smiling. I don't really understand why I smile but I do. I can feel Jimin's eyes on me and I turn to look at him. Jimin looks deep into my eyes and it was like he had trapped me. My gaze sticks to the glittering light of the sun in his eyes and truly, it was mesmerizing. His brown eyes seemed lost and vulnerable to something and it was almost as if I was helping him to find his peace.

It was quiet now. I couldn't hear the birds anymore nor see the blue sky above me because I couldn't take my gaze off his deep, glittering eyes. It felt like we'd been staring at each other for hours even though a part of me knew it was only a mere second but that was only before his eyes drop down to my lips. Almost immediately my eyes look down to his and I find his full lips curling up into the most subtle smirk one can imagine. He licks his lips promptly and thats when I notice the extremely slow pace of our walking and the very close proximity of our faces. With his eyes still locked onto my lips his mouth curls up into words saying, "You have something on your lips, sunshine."

I snap out of the spell Jimin put me in instantly and lick my lips. The taste of vanilla ice cream tingles the tip of my tongue and I look away from him immediately. I notice my warm cheeks and instantly I want to slap myself. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and my mind begins to wonder about what the hell just happened.

Did Jimin just call me sunshine?

Well, well, well. The story officially begins.

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