13 - regret

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(Jungkook POV)
I had been starring at Jin's phone for the past minute. Soojin has been calling him but Jin was too busy flirting with a mirror thinking it was an actual person to even notice his sister trying to get in contact with him. I was tempted to pick up the call instead but just as I reached to grab the ringing phone, it stopped. I sighed to myself and I sit around for a few more minutes waiting to see if she'd call again but since she doesn't, I assume she isn't in any big trouble. Instead, I decide to grab a glass of some cool water in the small, heat-trapping house. I was supposed to be today's 'guardian' when the party was over which is why I decided to avoid alcohol, allowing the others to enjoy their fun and plus, alcohol during a time like this in my life wouldn't be the greatest option for my wellbeing.

As I approach the kitchen I'm glad to find it's much less crowded in there compared to the living room. I grab a bottle from the fridge but stop in place when Jimin walks in with a phone plugged to his ear and a look of worry draped along his face. I slowly walk to him curious as to who had called him and why he had such an anxious look on his face.

"Did she tell you where?...Okay, sorry about that....nooo I will go find her. Don't worry too much. I'll call you once we have her safe....bye." Jimin ends the call immediately and runs a hand through his hair aggressively.

"Who was that and who's lost? Is it Mickey? She isn't the type to run away, especially after what happened last time she tried—"

"That was Jaehun, my stylist." Jimin says with clear frustration as he strides to the door in a hurry.

As he searches for his shoes, I question, "Why did he call now and who's lost? And why are you in such a rush?"

Jimin takes in a deep breath and begins to briefly explain, "It's Soojin, she stopped at some random apartment in the sketchiest damn place in Seoul. She doesn't have our numbers so she called Jaehun and has been supposedly crying. Before he could tell her our number, her phone shut off. What's really worrying me is that she's drunk."

I look at Jimin trying my best not to show the inner shock and panic that was beginning to coarse through me and almost immediately I found myself putting on my own shoes. I couldn't understand the control she had over me was but knowing that she was in trouble was fuelling me in a way I could not even comprehend. Why do I even want to protect her and why the hell am I even concerned for her so much?

"What are you doing Jungkook?" Jimin looks at me with the same confusion a part of me was feeling.

I think quick and immediately speak whatever comes to mind, "You're drunk, I'm sober. I'll give you a drive."

(Soojin's POV)
I'm scared. Who am I kidding—I'M TERRIFIED! I regretting every second of what I did at that karaoke bar. I regretted eating too much chicken. I regretted using up all my phone battery on filming us singing in the most terrible pitch while screaming into the mic. I regret actually allowing Kai to drive me. I regret deciding to stop at the darkest, most sketchiest apartment in Seoul. I regret not listening to Jin when he told me not to drink too much and I ABSOLUTELY REGRET TRUSTING IN JIN TO ANSWER HIS PHONE WHEN I NEEDED HIM TO.

With an unstable balance, I walk through the dark sidewalk to who knows where hoping some light would show through but every step I took only felt like I was stepping deeper and deeper into a pit of nothing. It felt like the earth mushed into a liquid every time my heels hit the pavement and I was not here for it. I hated showing my vulnerability, helplessness and desperation since I lived my life hiding it from everyone around me but right now, it was the only three things keeping me conscious. Through all this the only thing I didn't regret was calling Jaehun. Despite the fact that I ended up crying on call and wasting time, I'm sure he would come to help me...hopefully.

Stumbling on my own feet, I'm practically dragging myself down the dark streets hoping the midnight monsters wouldn't come to get me but almost as if God had shown pity for my terrible state, two headlights light up the enigmatic midnight. Being the drunk me I am, I blindly hop onto the road while aggressively waving my arms in the air as an attempt to get the vehicle's attention. The closer it came, the more I came into realization of what I was doing and I concluded that God wasn't feeling sorry for me but instead wanted to get rid of me for good. God was supposed to be by my side, protecting me, but in this moment I knew I was going to die.

This was it. This was how my life would come to an end. God gave up on me, God give up on me because of me. I purposely jumped onto the road, drunk, to get hit by a vehicle, I mean who wouldn't give up on me.

I shut my eyes close, accepting my own fate as the headlights grew larger and brighter. This was my end.


Instead of feeling hard metal clash into my body with full force, I felt large arms wrap around my wobbling body. The newly familiar floral scent triggered my senses and I knew I was no longer in danger. In fact, I was far from danger now because this comfort was enough for me to live in peace for eons. I dig my head deeper into the hard chest of radiating heat and tightly slither my arms around the surprisingly slim waist. After feeling so lost and helpless, coming across something so familiar felt like a blessing I did not deserve to have upon me. I took in a deep breath of the aroma allowing my nerves to find uniformity, satisfying some unknown pleasure in me. I wanted to stay like this forever in this same comfort and affection radiating through every second of my existence but who was making me feel this much love in the first place? I didn't feel like I was in the embrace of my brothers nor was it the embrace of a family or friend, so who was this?

"Hey, don't cry. Jimin and I are here to take you home."

It was Jungkook who whispered this into my ear with such delicacy. I pulled away from his embrace and looked up to meet his face. For the first time in a long time, I could see emotions displayed along his face. This time he looked so easy to read and I wanted to keep reading him forever. His eyes were eloquently absorbing all sources of light in the Stygian night and it felt like I was looking right into the core of the sun. I couldn't tell if this was an illusion but I was obsessed. No matter how much it hurt me to look at him so broken, I didn't want to look away. But not every perfect moment like this can last forever, right?

Everything around me begins to dim and Jungkook's face slowly turns into slush the longer I stare into what now seems like the little sparkle glittering in the depths of his eyes. Faintly I can hear, "Soojin? Are you okay? Just keep your eyes on me we can make it to the car....dear god don't pass out."

But even if I tried, my body was too weak to hold me up any longer. I was overly exhausted to go on from here. Ohhh the regret couldn't get any worse than this.

So I just want you to know that Soojin's mindset when she's drunk is not normal which is why ur probably wondering, "wtf is this girl saying". Like the reference of god is her being emotionally unstable and that the randomest things are trigger her emotions while she's drunk. I didn't want to talk too much about her "right state of mind" which tells her what she's doing is right and wrong bc she's drunk....she's drunk drunk and she has no control. Anyways now that's clear, I'M SORRY FOR UPDATING REALLY LATE! I HOPE U GUYS ENJOYED (sry I had a lot to talk about here).

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