20 - him

17 2 0

"Hot chocolate, right?" Jimin asks as he covers me in the blanket fully. I nod my head in response still feeling my body trembling from the fear."Okay, I'll be back in like 2 minutes. If you feel uneasy, I'll be in the kitchen."

I nod my head and with that he heads out of my room. It's quiet except for the sound of the heavy rain pouring outside and it only makes the dull mood even more dreadful to sit through. It's been a terrible day and the constant reminder from my mind that Jieun was hurt because of me, didn't make the situation any better. If not for Jimin's soft whispers of reassurance and his long endearing hug, I did not want to know what I would have been capable of doing within these past 30 minutes. Before I knew it Jimin came back with mug of hot chocolate in his hand.

He takes a seat next to me handing me the hot mug, "Are you feeling a little better?"

"Thanks to you, yes I am."

"Do you want to talk about it now? If not, that's fine. I underst—"

"I trust you.....but it's about my friend. She got hurt by someone...She got hurt because of me."

Jimin shuffles in next to me as if he can sense my tension, "Do you know who hurt her?"

I nod my head lowly as I take a sip of the drink Jimin had brought me, "When I was in college, I used to get these silent calls from someone. Even after I would block the number, I'd still get the same silent call another day from another number. It got so repetitive that I even reported it to the police but there was anything they could really do about the spam calls so I decided to change my number. When I did, instead of calls, I started getting letters to my dorm room. Most of the time it was just compliments and they were always attached with pictures of me from magazines since it was around the time I was beginning my modelling career. I assumed it was my first fan which is why I dismissed it at first. That was until this one time I got a letter with pictures of me in my room studying and cleaning and changing—"

I choke on my words as the disturbing flashback relive themselves in my mind. Acknowledging this, Jimin shuffles in close enough that his arms are rubbing against mine as we sit against the headboard of the bed, "You don't have to tell me this if you don't want to."

I let out a deep breath simultaneously laying my head on Jimin's shoulder, "I'll feel better if I just say it..."

Jimin responds with a subtle nod and it signals me to continue, "...well, I was close with a friend at the time who knew about my stalker and he offered to let me stay with him until it was safe but it ended up making things worse. He somehow found my friend's place and started to threaten him if he didn't leave me alone. The stalker knew everything about me and even threatened to hurt the people I knew if I didn't 'obey' him. At that point I was just so desperate to get rid of the stalker that I decided to meet up with him. My friend planned to turn the stalker in when we meet but it backfired and my friend got hurt instead. Just around this time I got the opportunity to study abroad in Canada so my parents sent me off to live with a family friend they knew. I thought he'd disappear after I left and its been 5 years since all this happened but...he's back"

Kai's deadly voice echoes in my head but they're interrupted when Jimin speaks, "The stalker will be expecting you to go see your friend but you have to stay here. You know I have to leave soon so I want you to promise you'll be here until the rest of us come back."

My mood saddens even more knowing that I'm going to be alone once Jimin's gone but it won't be fair if I keep him here forever, "I won't, I promise."

"Good. Your safety is the most important thing right now. I'll tell Jin about this—"

"No. Please don't tell anyone." I plead as I look up to Jimin but he shakes his head.

"I know you don't want your brother to know but we can set up proper security for you, at least for when we aren't here."

"Fine but nobody else. It has to stay between Jin and you only."

"Of course, Sunshine. Now finish that hot chocolate before it gets cold."

I gulp down the hot chocolate and once the cup is empty, I lay down onto Jimin's chest and wrap my arms around his tiny waist imaging him as a Jimin-sized teddy bear.

"Wow wow wow wow. You did not sign up for special cuddles! Only friendly hugs." My eyes flicker open and immediately I retract my body from him.

"Holy shit. I'm sorry." To say the truth, it didn't even cross my mind to think that I was trying to cuddle with Jimin although we've barely ever had any physical interactions with each other before. It felt so natural for me to spread my love to Jimin, as if I had known him my whole life but thinking about it now makes me realize how much of a fool he probably thinks of me. My eyes avert away from him as I scratch the back of my head with clear embarrassment displayed on my face.

Just as I'm about to stand up to escape my current awkward situation, Jimin grabs a gentle hold on my hand, reminding me of the events from last night. He slowly turns me around into a friendly hug making sure not to make me feel uncomfortable in any shape or form. This allows me to easily sink in, laying my chin onto his shoulder and shutting my eyes as he speaks, "I was just kidding, Soojin. As much as I want to stay here and watch you blush all day, I do have to leave now."


"I'll stay for a little longer, if you want?" Jimin says, releasing me from his addictive embrace. He looks at me with raised eyebrows as he studies my face with curiosity. He has such a charming characteristic that always put others before himself but I knew better than to only think for myself.

"I've kept you here for long enough, you should get going." I say whilst keeping my head low, afraid to meet his eyes but he doesn't move.

Jimin mused, "So it wasn't just me..."

I look back to him, "Huh?"

Our eyes meet and although I want to look away, I can't. His eyes were so attractive, holding so much power freely. "It feels like I've known you my life."

It was true. I'd be lying if I denied the fact that I felt so bonded to Jimin although we had just met a few days ago. His eyes wandered along my face, twinkling by the reflection of the lamp light in my room. His eyes were glazed as if he was lost in a maze but his lips curl up into a sly smile. He whispers,

"It's like you're the one."

Did you see me use the title in the end O.o .... anyways I hope you all loved this chapter, just some very crucial info and fluff 🥺 thank you guys again! I really appreciate everything 💜

Quick Question:

Who do you think is going to be Soojin's ONE? Jimin or Jungkook?

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