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January needs to hurry up and end
I miss my best. Friend

Aww that's cute
But honey


It's February 4th



My friend is coming home from America
Next week.  He's a dancer and said he's be
in time before his birthday

When is this friends birthday?
February 18th?

Yeah how'd you ?

My friend Hoseok is the same
Exactly the same

Jung Hoseok?


That's the friend I was chattin about

That's cute


"Chattin about"
It's cute

Nothin about me is cute

Bet you're really cute

Too bad you don't know what I look like
You'll never know

Well knowing Hoseok is your best friend
can ask for a photo

No fair

Then ill still be in the dark
About what you look like

You really don't know who I am?

You sound familiar
Bit can't put a spot on it

How about we follow each other

Sounds like a plan

So fucking cute


You work with teens right?

I'm gonna assume you asked Hoseok
Some shit about me

I did ask about you

My son has been kinda distance
But not towards me
Towards one of his childhood friends
They keep asking if he's alright
And when ever I bring him up my son freaks

Coming from my experience with teens
He likes the friend

The friend is a guy

Kim Seokjin

I'm not against it
I'm pan myself
But he's really obsessed with a singer
And I thought that was his ideal type



How well do you know your son?

I'm very busy but I thought I knew him well
I try to only work close to home
And my business is here too
I work from home and every Wednesday we do some type of
Family activity

Uh then try talking about it with him
Does he know your pan?

I thought it was clear I liked guys

I mean so did I but I actually had to come out

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