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"You guys did amazing. This single will sell no doubt." I told hyung as we layed on his bed. We were listening to to his new single Jamais Vu. He featured both Hoseok and Jungkook.

"You really think so?"

"Though the first transition between Hoseok and Kook could have been better."

His arms tighten around my waist, and he hides his face in my neck. He released  a long groan when my phone  dings causing me to move away from his grasp.

Where the hell are you?

I'm not home right now
I'll be back tomorrow.

Where are you?

Boyfriend's place

Uh huh
Prove it

Do I really need to?

*Ur_hoe_lee is calling*

"Lee I'm literally going to kill you"I whisper yelled.

"Who's behind you?"

"Boyfriend he's trying to sleep. As was I."

"As always your sleeping instead of doing your job."

My phone is Remo from my hand and now into hyungs.

"And what the hell may that job be?"

"Obviously pleasuring his partner. Oh have you guys done nothing but sleep. That's all your gonna do. Little Yoongi here is scared of sex."

"You fucking bitch. I think it's just that you were desperate."

"After a month of dating I should be able to do whatever I wanted to my partner."

"You are literally the dumbest person I've ever talk to. Like you're not even worth Yoongi's time. By the way...his mouth does wonders."

My faces heats up as he ends the call. I hide under the blanket when I hear his tongue click. "You can't just say stuff like that!" He release a deep chuckle that I feel in my chest. I'm do used to Hyung being all jokes and happiness that him being serious is sorta a turn on. That sounds wrong I mean I makes him hotter.

"How could you date such an asshole?"

"He wasn't as bad when we started dating." Muffled voice came from under the cover. I feel a tug on the covers. Through all the wrestling with the blanket he ends up straddling my waist arms pinned above my head.

"You deserve better Yoongi, that asshole dated you because of your looks. You're really hot and the thought of just even a kiss would drive anyone insane."  I can feel my face red. I'm pretty sure it matches Hoseok's hair. "Fuck~" He moaned. His lips crash against and he starts kissing. I responded to the kiss right away. His swipes his tongue across my bottom lip. I deny him access just to see what he'll do.

His hand travels my body as he nips my lower lip causing me to open for him. We fight for  dominance as I unconsciously buck my hips up to get more friction.

"Hey ap-Oh my god!" My door slams shut as we pull apart. I'm out of breath and have a throbbing erection. That felt nice.

"Fucking Jungkook," he rolls his eyes. " I thought he was staying with Jimin tonight."

"Hyung please get off me."

"Ah shit, yeah, you're right, sorry." He steps off the bed and holy shit he's huge. Just from the imprint of his dick you can tell. "Damn Yoongs, I was right, your mouth does do wonders." I sit up
And rest against the wall. I can't help but laugh. I almost had sex with my students father.

"You should go check on him hyung."

"Yeah, uh stay here don't leave. The house I mean."

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