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"Hey Jimin- I uh know we haven't been talking but I really need to talk to you. Let'a talk about this please? If you'll even listen to this come by my house after school." The voicemail sends and I hang up sighing. It's been a two weeks since we fought and it hurts life mother fucking hell. I wanna see him. See him smile, laugh,. Hear him laugh, talk, he'll maybe even yell at me. I just need him. How he smells like a literal baby.

"Jungkook just because I'm dating your teacher doesn't mean you get to be late, hurry up sweetheart. I'll be there later today to have dinner then I have to leave ou-"

"Appa I got it, I'll see you tonight. Oh Jimin maybe joining us. I'm not sure yet."

We send each other wishes of luck and love before going on our way- and by that I mean hanging up.

The door slams shut and in comes yoongi dressed like he's not about to go to work."

"Ap-" we both freeze and I can see his face flushing as I can feel mine do the same. "Hyung aren't you going to work?"

He swallows "Kook, it's Saturday." He sets all his things down before walking towards my Appas room.

"Hyung just stay here if you miss him that much. He won't mind, and they are doing work in your building that happens to be disturbing you."

"Jimin is outside, has been since before I got here. I'll be in Jinnie's room if you need me."

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