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Thank you for being there
I really appreciate it

I already told you it was fine
Get some sleep hyung
I saw your schedule you're busy

Baby, its fine
I wanna talk to you

I wanna talk to you too
But I don't want you to
Be too tired to work tomorrow
and have to stay longer

You know what happens when I'm get home?

Ggukie's graduation?

Oh shit. I can't stay longer than needed
Plus I wanna see my baby
Oh baby!

Yes hyung?

I found a really cute picture wanna see?

Sure send it

I really love this pictureWish I could post it

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I really love this picture
Wish I could post it

This was three months ago today

We weren't dating yet...

Officially but I thought of you as my boyfriend

That's cute Hyung
But I found something cuter than that

That's cute Hyung But I found something cuter than that

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