Chapter 1

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*Katniss POV*

"Katniss! Katniss wake up!" shouts my younger sister Prim. I groan. Today is Monday, and also my first day at Panem High. I'm in my senior year of high school, with my twin brother Gale.

"Come on!" Prim says excitedly. "I made waffles!" That gets me up. "Ok give me about 30 minutes" I say. Prim skips out of my room.

I sit up and look around my too big room. I can thank my stepfather Plutarch Heavensbee for that.

When me and Gale were 11, our father died in a car accident. Our mom went into a depression, leaving us to take care of Prim. We were better parents to Prim than she ever was. Before our dad died, she was hardly at home.

Three years ago, when we were 14, we threatened to call the police if she didn't go and get her job back at the hospital and start taking care of us. She met Plutarch at the bank. Apparantly, he thought she was hot, so he asked her out. One year later they got married, and we moved from Area 12 all the way here, to Area 1. Plutarch owns the bank so he's filthy rich.

Personally, I don't want all these new clothes and a huge new house with a huge bedroom and a new car. First of all, I don't like fancy new clothes. And second, if I get something expensive or big, I want to work for it myself. I already know how to take care of myself, so why not use the skills?

Prim and Gale don't really mind. Prim loves clothes and makeup. Gale loves video games, hunting, and cars. Because of Plutarch, Prim gets all the clothes in the latest style, and Gale gets up to date hunting equipment.

Prim especially loves clothes now, because she is starting high school this year. She wants to make a good impression.

But she's not one of those people who only care about clothes and how you look. She just loves clothes. And besides, she doesn't need clothes to make a good impression. Prim is the sweetest, most kind, and most friendly person ever.

I hop out of bed and take a quick shower. I blow dry my hair and put on a white crop top, light blue skinny jeans, a long light beige sweater that goes down to my hips, and black converse.

I brush my dark hair and put it in a braid down my back, apply makeup, grab my phone and bag, and head downstairs.

Gale and Prim are already sitting at the table. Gale and I look like our dad; silver eyes and dark brown hair. Prim looks like our mother; blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Geez Catnip, what took so long?" Gale says irritably. "Your waffles are getting cold. I was going to eat them, but Prim saved your butt, so you owe us one."

Damn, Gale is always talking about me owing him. I guess that's what brothers do.

He calls me Catnip because when we were little, he couldn't say Katniss, so he said Catnip, and the name stuck.

I sit down at my place.

"Well Gale first of all I took so long because I'm a girl. And second of all, fine. I'll buy you guys ice cream after school." I say just as a irritably.

Prim was about to say something but I stopped her.

"And yes Prim, I'll buy you low fat frozen yogurt with fruit."

Prim wants to try out for the J.V cheer leading squad, so she's trying to eat healthy. But she has a sweet tooth, so she can't resist sometimes. She got that from our dad.

She smiles. "Thanks Kat."

"Anything for you, little duck."

We finish our breakfast, chatting about how nervous we are about going to a new school for the year.

When we finish, we put our dishes in the sink.

"Bye Mom, bye Plutarch!" we all say.

"Bye kids, have fun, love you!" Mom replies.

"And good luck!" Plutarch adds.

We get into Gale's silver convertible, and drive to school.

When we get there, Prim hops out of the car.

"Do I look ok?" she asks nervously.

She is wearing a salmon colored knee length dress, a light jean jacket, and nude flats. She has her blonde hair in her signature two braids. She looks beautiful, like she always does.

"Prim, you look amazing! The guys won't be able to take their eyes off you!" I say excitedly.

"Yeah Prim you look great!" Gale adds.

He lowers his voice. "But you make sure that they are keeping EYE CONTACT with you, got it?"

When it comes to guys liking Prim, Gale gets a little overprotective.

Prim rolls her eyes. "Ok, DAD, whatever.

She is kind of right when she says dad. When our mom was in her depression, Gale basically was her father. He still is, but still her brother at the same time.

Prim skips into the school.

Gale looks at me.

"You ready?"

"If by ready, you mean walk into our senior year of high school feeling like complete strangers to all these kids who have probably known each other since elementary school, then graduate and go out into the world and get a job, then no I'm not ready. But I still have to go in there don't I?"

Gale laughs.

"Yep, but we'll go in together, and get through this together."

I nod.

"Then let's go."

Yay, first chapter done!!!! Sorry it was a little long and boring, but I felt like I needed to do an introduction chapter. So what did you guys think?? Leave me a comment saying what you thought of it so far, and don't forget to vote if you like it!! Oh, and can someone please tell me how to make a cover?? I'm kinda new to wattpad, so I don't really know how to do some stuff. Thanks for reading!!


Anna 😘😘😘

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