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"I can't believe you're the new cheerleading captain, Haley," Kelsey, my best friend said to me as we were changing in the girl's locker room.

"I know." I pulled my shirt over my head when I suddenly heard screaming. The girls were saying "Get out." but to who? I walked over to where the commotion was at and there I saw Joe , the biggest player at Northbrook High. The bell rang and Kelsey and I left the locker room and headed to the cafeteria for lunch. After we had our food, we walked over to our usual table but there sitting was Joe.

"Hey Joe, nice stunt today," Kelsey said to him.

"Thanks," he said. "But I didn't get to see any of you naked so I didn't accomplish my goal."

Kelsey chuckled but I just sat there. I didn't really like Joe, even though all of my friends were in love with him, I wasn't.

"Kelsey, I have to show you something. Come with me for a second," Joe stood up from the table and walked to Kelsey. She stood up.

"Okay. I'll see you later Haley," she said. I watched as they walked away. I knew where they were going. To the janitors closet. To make out and even do it. I didn't know what she liked so much about him. I mean he was a player and his hair was way too long. But oh, well. I stood up from the table and walked over to where my other friends were sitting.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey, we saw Kels go with Joe," Mandy said.

"Yeah." I sat down. "What do you guys like so much about him anyway?"

"Are you blind Haley? He's fucking hot and he's a pretty good bed partner."

"What?! You had sex with him?!"

"Yeah, almost all of us had, except you."

"Well, I'm never going to have sex with him. I got to go. Bye guys. See you at practice." I stood up from the table and walked out into the hallway. I walked down to my locker and opened it. I grabbed out my notebook filled with songs and went down to the music room. It was empty so I walked over to the piano and began playing. Music was the only way I could escape from reality and not care what people thought of me.

I heard the door open and in flew Joe but not with Kelsey. He was with another girl, making out with her. They had no idea I was there until I coughed. Joe looked over at me.

"Uhmm... hey Haley," he said.

I stood up and started gathering my things. I walked out the door, brushing my shoulder off of him. Once I was out of the room, I knew Joe was making out with her again.

I went to my locker again and grabbed my Spanish notebook then headed to class. I took a seat in the back next to this guy I really like, Jake. Unlike Joe he is actually nice and doesn't try to sleep with the entire student body of girls at my school.

"Hey Jake," I said.

"Heyy, did you do you Spanish homework?" he asked.

"Shit. We had homework?!"

"Here, copy mine," he handed me his homework and I quickly copied it.

"Thanks. I owe you."

After being in class for about fifteen minutes, the door swung open and in walked Joe, late as usual.

"Mr. Martinez, why are you fifteen minutes late to class?" Mrs. Martinez, the Spanish teacher asked.

"Uhm...I was..." he looked over at me. "I had locker trouble, it wouldn't open."

"Okay, take your seat then," she said.

Joe came walking in my direction, I looked at the empty seat next to me and hoped he wouldn't sit there but he did. "Haley, I see you're sitting next to Jake again."

"Yeah so?"

"What does he have that I don't?"

"He's nice."

"Im nice."

"Yeah right. You're only nice to girls so you can get in their pants." I turned around and ignored him the rest of the class period.

"Lets try it again one more time," I yelled to the rest of the cheerleading squad.

"Haley, we've done it like 500 times already. I think that's enough girl."

"Its not enough until I say it is." I know I sound kind of mean but I like everything to be perfect and since we have a big game tonight, it needs to be perfect. After practicing for a little more, we were done. I started to walk off the field but in my direction, came Joe. Man, why does he keep on following me?

"You look hot in your cheerleading outfit," he said.

I ignored him and kept on walking.

He grabbed my arm. "You're playing hard to get, aren't you?"

"No. I don't like you Joe and I never will so just leave me alone. I'm not going to sleep with you...EVER!" I stormed off leaving him standing there. I was probably the first girl that ever turned down the Joe Martinez.


Hayley is the blond one in the pic kelsey is the brunnet

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original writter: my friend samatha

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