Player chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to butterball14

Player Chapter 10

"So I was thinking that we go see a movie tonight," Joe said, leaning against my locker. "What do you think, do you want to?"

"I have a lot of homework and besides it's a school night," I replied.

"We can go to the 4:00 show so you'll have time to do your homework."

I smiled. "Okay, but if I don't get my homework done it'll be all your fault, remember that."

"I will," he said, grinning. He grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked to class together. We arrived to class and took our seats in the back of the classroom. Camilla looked back at me and glared. Jealous, much? I didn't care though because I was back with Joe and that was all that mattered to me. During class, we passed notes back and forth until the teacher looked at us, signaling us to stop. Even though I was a senior in high school, it felt like I was a little kid again at the moment. Passing notes, ha.

After class, I walked to my locker while Joe walked to his. Standing at my locker was Camilla.

"So you believed Joe?" she said.

"Yeah I did. I don't think he would cheat on me with someone as skankish as you." I said, smiling.

"Well he'll probably dump you soon anyways since you're a virgin. He's gonna want to have sex sooner or later."

"I don't care, he said he would wait for me. Why don't you stop being of jealous of Joe and me and get a life already?" I said, walking off leaving her standing there, angry. No matter what she said, I wasn't going to believe her.

Instead of going home, Joe and I went straight to the movies since it was already 3:45. We got to the theater and Joe insisted on watching on horror movie so we did. He probably thought I would bury my face in his chest during the scary parts but what he didn't know was that I loved horror movies. We walked into the theater and no one was there since it was a school day. We sat in the middle of the room.

"AHH!" screaming came from the screen. Joe jumped in his seat, I smiled.

"Scared?" I asked.

"No," he lied. "I just...okay yeah that part got me."

I laughed.

After the movie was over, it was 6:00. We walked to Joe's car parked in the parking lot and hopped in. "I had a great time." he said.

"So did I," I smiled and kissed him softly on his lips.

He put the key in the ignition and started to drive to my house. While he was driving, we were talking and laughing until a bright light shone on the car and in a matter of seconds everything went black.

My eyes opened slowly, I right away I saw my mom standing over me.

"Oh, thank goodness." She said, kissing my forehead. I had no idea what was going on. I looked around the room to see that I was in the hospital, laying in a bed.

"Mom, wh--at happened?" I managed to ask.

"You and Joe were in a car accident."

"WHAT?! Is he okay?"

"Yeah sweetie he's okay but he's in worse condition then you are."

Tears fell down my cheek. "So he wont die?"

"No, he's fine."

"Can I see him?"

"I'll have to ask the nurse, I'll be right back. Stay in bed." I watched as she left the room and down the hallway of the hospital. It was taking her too long, I needed to see Joe right now. So I sat up in bed, pulling the things that were sticking to my arm, and hopped out of the bed. I walked next door and there he was lying in bed with his eyes closed. I walked over to the edge of his bed and grabbed ahold of his hand.

"Joe?" I said, softly. His eyes slowly opened and I smiled when they did. He looked up at me.

"Haley, I'm glad you're alright," he said. I studied his face, he had bruises all over and he was scratched up pretty bad.

"I'm glad that you're alright." I started to cry.

"Why are you crying? We're both okay."

"I know but if something would've happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do. You're my life." I kissed him on the cheek and sat down on the bed next to him.

Two weeks later. "Remember one week until graduation Senior's and don't forget about the prom," the principal said over the intercom. Joe and I walked down the hallway, ignoring what he the principal just said. Every other student was happy about graduation but not us. Graduation meant being separated from each other and that was the last thing we wanted. I couldn't live without Joe, we literally spent every waking minute together.

We arrived to the cafeteria for lunch and walked over to a table. Joe ate, while I just sat there staring at him. We only had one week left to be together and that made me tear up. He looked up and saw my starting to cry.

"Haley, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Joe, we only have one week together and that's it. Then we'll be across the country from each other."

"I know, so why don't we make this the best week ever? Instead of going to prom lets do something else really special." he said, smiling. I smiled back at him and nodded. I know what would make this the best week ever, if time just stopped. That's what I really wanted, I wanted to be in high school forever with Joe.

After school, Joe and I walked to his house. By making this the best week ever that meant spending every moment together.


Author's Note: So I really didn't like this chapter that much. But what did you guys think of it? And sadly I think this fanfic is coming to an end. Maybe two more chapters and that's it.

Original writter: Sam Jonas :)

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