player chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Pandadot1

Player Chapter 11

Prom was this evening but instead of going to it, Joe and I were going to go somewhere else. I had no idea where he planned for us to go but he said it was really special. Instead of having to dress up in a long formal dress and heels that would kill, I threw on a sundress and flip flops. The perfect outfit. I scrunched my hair and applied my makeup. My phone began to vibrate on my desk, I walked over to it and picked it up. A new text message.

Hello Beautiful. -Joe

Aw Joe, you sure know how to make a girl feel good J So when are you picking me up? -Haley

Ha, I'm actually in my car on the way right now. I should be there in a few minutes. I can't wait to show you the special place. -Joe

I shut my cell phone and set it back on my desk next to my computer. I decided to go downstairs because he said he would be here soon.

"Wow sweetie. You look gorgeous," my mom said. "So where are you and Joe going to tonight since you're not going to prom?"

"I don't know yet. He's keeping it a surprise." I answered, smiling.

"Well I hope you two have fun. And at least I don't have to worry about you guys going out after prom and getting drunk."

I laughed. "Yeah mom but you never know we may still drink." She just looked at me, hoping I was just kidding. I smiled. "Chill mom, I'm kidding. We're not drinking. And I'm never letting Joe drink again because of what happened last time..." The doorbell rang, it must be him. I walked over to it and peaked out the little window at the top of the door. I saw Joe standing outside with a dozen carnations in his hands, my favorite flowers. I opened the door and kissed him on the cheek since my mom was standing right behind me.

"These are for you," he said, handing me the flowers.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Here let me go find a vase for those," my mom said. I handed her the flowers and watched as she dug around in the cabinets, searching for a vase.

"So do you want to get going now?" Joe asked me.

"Uhm, yeah. Bye mom, we're going."

She came back over to us, unsuccessfully not finding a vase. "Have fun."

"What time do you want me home?" I asked her.

"As late as you want but Mr. Martinez, you better keep her safe."

"I promise I will, I'd never let anything ever happen to your daughter." He looked at me and smiled his perfect smile, it made my stomach full of butterflies. We walked outside and my mom closed the door behind me.

"Do you want to walk or take my car?" he asked as we stood on the sidewalk.

"Walk." I wanted to walk because no matter how far we had to walk, it would make time go by slower and I loved the feeling of that. Being able to spend more time with Joe before we had to go our separate ways. Our hands intertwined and we starting to walk down the sidewalk, I still didn't know where we were going. As we walked, we talked about everything possible but the one thing we didn't talk about was college. It would just ruin the moment and we didn't want that to happen. For the night, we were going to forget all about college.

While walking, Joe put his hands over my eyes. "Just keep walking, we're almost there." He said into my ear. I continued to walk, with Joe leading me the way. "Okay, we're here." We stopped walking and his hands uncovered my eyes. I was confused for a moment, staring at the park. What was so special about a park? Then it hit me, this was where we had our first kiss.

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