Forever lost

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Seishin and Itzel walked into the Castle, the door was open, a strange being with a piece of paper, they looked back, they kind of looked like Ike but the eyes were Black. "Hey!" Seishin yelled, "##########." It said, but they couldn't make it out, until they passed out.

(A/N: Translation: You're here early, I thought Xenon would have brought me back before you came, oh well.. Sleep.)

It walked over to them, then looked at the paper, "##########"  (A/N: Transliteration: hm.. Cora, Ella, Oli, Sparrow or Kailon, Fine. I'll let you live, for now.)

It read the names out loud, It's voice was like nails on a Chalkboard. It walked out of the castle and went to the portal, (it's almost time for the end.) it thought as it looked back, (Maybe one day he will find happiness; but the feeling of guilt shall haunt him forever.)


Seishin awoke in a cold sweat, he was covered in blood, he looked over at Itzel, she was still asleep, Seishin tried to get up but his legs were too weak, whatever hit him had more magic than him.

Then Seishin saw the silhouette of a soul, it was dragging something away from him.

"Hey, can you help me?" Seishin asked, he started to slowly crawl over to it.

It looked back and held up the thing it was dragging, a body.

Seishin tried to run away but with no luck he gave out, the figure walked up to Seishin, "################." It said, then Seishin awoke in his bed. (A/N:  Translation: I see you can see the phantoms now, I guess I'll have to kill you too. Or.. I'll kill what you love, then your soul will be too broken to even see us.)

Seishin looked at Itzel, she was in bed next to him. She was still asleep, but she was hugging him tightly, she wrapped her arms around his waist. Seishin slowly got up from the bed, he felt as if all of his magic was gone, like he was aging.

Seishin lifted up his hand, he waited for his shirt to fly to him but nothing happened.

"..." Seishin raised his left hand into the air, nothing happened.

"I must be tired." Seishin mumbled as he let his arms crash down, he slowly walked over to the dresser, then he slowly opened the door and took out a white shirt, he looked down at his hand and almost fainted. His hands were light purple, he was cold to the touch.

Then the memory of the figure flashed before him.

"Oh shoot." He whispered.

For a minute he just looked at his hands, he knew he would start aging again, he would eventually become old and die, and he would never be able to create magic again.

Seishin felt a breath of death brush up against his neck, he started to cry.

He hated crying, it made him feel weak and Insufficient.

He fell to his knees, then he heard Itzel get up.

Then the door slammed open, Cassiel stormed into the room, "Why didn't you tell me Father was still alive?!" She yelled.

Seishin turned around, "I didn't know." He replied quietly.

"Liar! You knew, you lied to us, I hate you!" Cassiel yelled, she walked over and slapped Seishin, then grabbed Ike's hand, she walked out of the room and slammed the door.

"Oh sh-..." Itzel started to say, she paused and looked at Seishin, "I was going to say shoot!" She finished, then she nervously laughed, a second later she went out of the room, she was careful to not shut the door loudly.

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