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Mark was currently in his room, curled up under his comforter. After coming home from work, he immediately went to his room and buried himself in the comfort of his bed. Not bothering to change, he just threw off his slacks and unbuttoned a few buttons of his button up, leaving him in his boxers and button up.

For a while he just laid there, letting his tears wet the bed sheets. Eventually, he couldn't even cry anymore, so he just laid quietly staring at the comforter dully.

Dried up tears stained his flushed cheeks, his eyes still puffy and red from the amount of times he'd rub them. Never in his life had he needed another person's warmth as much as now. His mother and father were off on a two day business trip, so there was no use in that.

He would cuddle with his dog, but she was with his aunt.

The last person he thought of was Donghyuck. He missed the younger so much, he would kill to have him here with him right now.

Mark decided to Skype the younger, so he got out from under the comforter and reached of this laptop on his bedside table. Once he got ahold of hit, he quickly clicked on the Skype app and clicked on Donghyuck's user.

The ringtone played for a bit until Donghyuck's face popped up onto the screen. Mark went back under the covers, taking his laptop with him, not forgetting to turn off his camera.

"Mark? What's up? It's like 3am over here." Hearing the younger's voice made him want to burst out into tears again.

"A-Am I bothering you? I could hang up if you--"

"No no no, you're not bothering me. You could never bother me. I just want to know why'd you call." Donghyuck could sense that something was up with the elder, but he decided to wait before he asked about it.

Mark sighed," I...I just feel like shit today, Hyuck."

The latter looked at the younger on the screen, he was still in bed, his hair sticking up at different angles, eyes still lidded, lips red and pouted. Shit, he really fucking missed Donghyuck.

"Well, what happened? From what I hear, you sound like shit too."

"Can you promise not to judge me after this?" Mark asked timidly.

"How could I--? Mark, baby, I could never judge you in a way that would hurt you. I told you about my dad and you're still here, with me. Who said I wouldn't do the same for you?" The younger's words were filled with sincerity and love, making Mark's heart warm up.

"Thank you Hyuck."

"No problem, hyung."

"I used to have a girlfriend, back in my junior to senior year of high school. She was perfect in my eyes. That's what I thought back then. It took me almost everything to keep her by my side. I was just so desperate for some sort of love and attention, I just didn't think. I-I did horrible things just to get her to stay by m-me." Mark started to choke up and Donghyuck immediately start to comfort him.

"Breathe Mark. Take in one big breath then exhale. I'm here for you."

The elder did what he said and continued on," I caused so much pain to the people around me. I-I put my best friends in dire danger. What people saw, was a monster. I was hated and feared upon by my peers and teachers. And when I came to the realization to what I've done, it was too late to turn back. Everything was set in stone and I couldn't do anything to mend the damage I've done.

Now to recently. That girlfriend I had. She came to my workplace and tried to get back with me, saying that she'd changed and everything. Of course, I was too emotionally scarred by her and I wanted nothing to do with her. I told her to leave me alone, to just move on. She was persistent and kept at it, then finally, after some words, she left.

The reason why I feel like shit is because she made me remember all of the horrible things I've done. It's not like I completely forgot about it and lost all guilt, I still remember it clearly. And it'll never disappear, I just have to live with it. I was just getting better too, then she had to show up, and everything came rushing back."

"Mark, turn on your camera. Right now." Donghyuck demanded.

Mark hesitantly obliged, turning on his camera.

The younger look a good look at the elder's physical state. It was obvious that he had cried quite a lot and that he was under his comforter. Donghyuck wanted so badly to hug and comfort the older male. To tell him that it was okay and that he was there for him.

"Mark. I know I can't do much right now but I just want you to know that your past does not define you. To me, you're to most sweetest, kindest, person I've ever met. I don't care about what you've done, no matter how bad it is. The fact that you fixed yourself now is all that matters. You're fucking perfect in my eyes you know that? You're utterly, breathtakingly beautiful, even with your scars and whatnot. I love you Mark, and there's nothing that can change that okay?"

The amount of relief and warmth that ran through Mark's body was insane. He had never met someone that was accepting. He felt so elated to have met the younger, he's probably the best thing to ever happen in his life.

"I love you too, Hyuck. And thank you. So much." Mark said, cracking a genuine smile.

"It's recorded."

"Huh?" Mark cocked his head to side, furrowing his brows.

"Your smile is recorded in my heart."

"I'm—stop, you're making me blush."

That night/morning was filled with soft chatter from the two. Both Mark and Donghyuck couldn't wait to meet in person again, they just hope it was really soon.


here's your daily dose
of depression served
with a side of fluff

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